I often use a powerpoint slide to carry exercise instructions on a training event. I then use a countdown timer for calling off the time to delegates.
Does anyone know a way of putting a simple countdown timer into a powerpoint slide so that all the delegates can see it with the exercise instructions?
russell slater
4 Responses
Use Custom Animation
Powerpoint can be set to display images of text on the same after a set time period. Send me your e mail and I will send you an example which you can customise.
From Microsoft Website
If you go to the Microsoft Templates Downloag Page for Powerpoint – There is a template which allows you to put atimer slide into your presentation.
Please email me and I will send you a link
thank you
public thanks to both respondents, really useful stuff. Dean, your email address keeps returning, do you have another one?
Powerpoint timer
Thoughtfully, for Microsoft, they have included a timer device in this product. In tabs at the top of the open product go to “Slide Show > Set Up Show, which will open a dialogue box where it’s presented as an option under “Advance slides”. If you’re looking for something else then under teh same tab try “rehearse timings”. I think either one should sort this one out for you. Wendy