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I am working in the cabacity of Sales & Marketing Training Manager - ALJ. Training Center -Saudi Arabia .As we do Oparate Vehicels Sales In very difficuly and large market , The Company which holds 40% Market share want ro regain and sustain the share ,By having proper trained sales staff ,and this is my role which I want to genarate it in proffesional regrouse system and thing to determine what is the training needs systimaticlly I have be trained on it , Since long time I have been contacting many training firms to advice me ,But it seems this course is rare ..that why I thought may be you can help me
Ehab A. Saadain
Ehab Saadain

2 Responses

  1. TNA
    I have a number of TNA spreadsheets and Word documents for different uses, email me for further details.


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