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TNA for new IT systems


My company is developing an IT system to replace an existing manual system. As usual the training requirement was not considered until late in the project and training time scales are very tight.
Does any one have any advice on performing the TNA and creating a training course for such a situation.
Colin Evans

6 Responses

  1. Data Protection and Training for a new IT System
    Hi Colin,
    Not sure what your company does, however if you are building a new system and this may also invlolve transferring manual records over to electronic, you may also need to think about the new data protection regulations. This may also involve training users of the new system too. Sorry if this puts another spanner in the works! If you let me have your email address, I’ll send you some info which might help you to decide if you need to consider this or not. Regards, Virginia Elmer,
    01604 864781

  2. Use Existing Staff
    We have done a number of IT projects in the past and have found without exception it is vital to include the staff within your organisation that can use the manual system well and (if resource allows) use them to train others. All they need is help in delivery.

  3. Include the management of change bit

    This situation is common and can lead to significant negative impacts on the project success.

    I was called in to resolve a similar situation in a water company several years ago and more recently in the airline industry.

    The chances are that the expectations of the users of the new system have not been managed either, in which case you’ll need to consider the management of change (i.e. human change)as a part of the course.

    Also, there are likely to be new or revised processes and procedures that will need to be developed.

    In other words, apart from the operation of the technology you need to consider the human factors and the processes as a part of the training course.

    Let me know if you want more information about how to do this.


    Barry Faith

  4. TNA for change to IT
    From past experience, it all depends which department has instigated the move to IT based.
    Many times I have witnessed companys going down this route without a full buy in by all.(the benefits of the change needs to be sold to all users)

    The second point, is the new system fully tested, or are there a number of get rounds that staff need to know, as this can create a tremendous amount of negative attitude, this needs to be handled in a sensitve manner.
    If a number of staff have targets to achieve or are on a bonus system ,they will feel rather isolated and under stress.

    Sorry to go on, but you only get one chance to get it correct.There after it will loose credability and the staffs confidence.

    Any help you need please let me know


  5. DPA and TNA
    V Elmer seems to have missed the part of the DPA that refers to records that are capable of inclusion in a data system – in other words, all records that might assist in identifying an individual, including paper-based.

    However, The rules for the TNA are the same as always:


    1. User base IT capabilities.

    2. Management expectations of the users and the system.

    3. User expectations of the system.

    There are usually discrepancies between 2 and 3, since the users will expect the system to have been designed around their day-to-day needs and not a global purpose. Once system limitations are clear to the intending users, then the TNA process can begin (this is frequently done the other way around).

    Is the system front-end ‘Windows-style’?

    Experienced Win 9x+ users will be at the same level (at best) as novices if they have to adapt to a different interface.

    Your TNA needs to take this into account in order to identify training group levels.

    If this is of some help, send me some details on the process, system and environment. There are too many variables involved to provide a proper answer to your question in this forum.