I am a Belgian student in Management and Communication and like all the students in their last year, I have to do a dissertation by the end of the year.
I have to analyze the different recruitment actions (flyers, ads, job events etc.) that companies do when they have vacant jobs to fill in order to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of these actions. In other words, I have to measure if these particular actions have the outcome the company hopes for. I came to the conclusion that, indeed, a lot of companies waste their money on recruitment actions that don’t ensure a great upcome of candidates.
I am wondering if someone knows a company that has a software that automatically links these actions to the upcome so that they know what action should be used in the future and what not. This should really come in handy for my research.
Laetitia Gérard
I have to analyze the different recruitment actions (flyers, ads, job events etc.) that companies do when they have vacant jobs to fill in order to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of these actions. In other words, I have to measure if these particular actions have the outcome the company hopes for. I came to the conclusion that, indeed, a lot of companies waste their money on recruitment actions that don't ensure a great upcome of candidates.
I am wondering if someone knows a company that has a software that automatically links these actions to the upcome so that they know what action should be used in the future and what not. This should really come in handy for my research.
Laetitia Gérard