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Fiona Pollock

Zostera Ltd

Learning Consultant & Coach

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Top 5 Tips for Setting a Positive Mood for Learning


Last week I wrote a blog about the effect of a learners mood on their ability to learn so this week I thought I'd share our top 5 tips for positively influencing a learners mood. Now these aren't rocket science, but using them can make all the difference to the effectiveness of your session and how well your delegates learn.

1. Ensure you have the right delegates attending

As I'm sure you know, this is much easier said that done, especially if you run open courses as you have very limited input into who attends your courses (from a needs assessment point of view). However delegates who are going to benefit from your session the most are more likely to looking forward to attending and therefore be in a more positive frame of mind on arrival.

2. Play some music during Welcome/Registration time

Although music tastes vary, studies have shown that mood can be affected by music. Uplifting and lively music has been found to positively influence listeners mood, however you do need to be careful not to breach PRS and copyright rules (…).

3. Personally welcome all delegates to the session

Set the tone for your session right from the start, by being positive and engaging when you welcome delegates to a session. Make eye contact and smile. Take this opportunity to introduce them to others in the room, or ask them about themselves (their journey, their weekend, or if you know them already their work or family). This will make them feel important and valued, which in turn will affect their mood.

4. Decorate your room

The training environment is key to setting the mood for a session. Most training rooms are functionary – they have tables, chairs, flip chart, screen etc. In a perfect world they have windows and air conditioning, but not always! They aren't always the most naturally inspiring environments as they tend to be used for other things too, so are decorated in a neutral hue. Before your session, take some time to personalise the room: brighten it up, make it more appealing, turn it into a room that people want to be in for a large portion of the day.

5. Provide decent refreshments

How often have the refreshments show up on 'happy sheets' at the end of training sessions? It's amazing how important they are to people. So turn it to your advantage. Make sure you have good coffee and a option of things to eat (like pastries and fruit). As with the individual greeting this will make delegates feel more valued and will also ensure that they are well fueled for the session.

What other things to do you do to encourage a positive mood in your learners?

Last week I wrote a blog about the effect of a learners mood on their ability to learn so this week I thought I'd share our top 5 tips for positively influencing a learners mood. Now these aren't rocket science, but using them can make all the difference to the effectiveness of your session and how well your delegates learn.

1. Ensure you have the right delegates attending

As I'm sure you know, this is much easier said that done, especially if you run open courses as you have very limited input into who attends your courses (from a needs assessment point of view). However delegates who are going to benefit from your session the most are more likely to looking forward to attending and therefore be in a more positive frame of mind on arrival.

2. Play some music during Welcome/Registration time

Although music tastes vary, studies have shown that mood can be affected by music. Uplifting and lively music has been found to positively influence listeners mood, however you do need to be careful not to breach PRS and copyright rules (

3. Personally welcome all delegates to the session

Set the tone for your session right from the start, by being positive and engaging when you welcome delegates to a session. Make eye contact and smile. Take this opportunity to introduce them to others in the room, or ask them about themselves (their journey, their weekend, or if you know them already their work or family). This will make them feel important and valued, which in turn will affect their mood.

4. Decorate your room

The training environment is key to setting the mood for a session. Most training rooms are functionary - they have tables, chairs, flip chart, screen etc. In a perfect world they have windows and air conditioning, but not always! They aren't always the most naturally inspiring environments as they tend to be used for other things too, so are decorated in a neutral hue. Before your session, take some time to personalise the room: brighten it up, make it more appealing, turn it into a room that people want to be in for a large portion of the day.

5. Provide decent refreshments

How often have the refreshments show up on 'happy sheets' at the end of training sessions? It's amazing how important they are to people. So turn it to your advantage. Make sure you have good coffee and a option of things to eat (like pastries and fruit). As with the individual greeting this will make delegates feel more valued and will also ensure that they are well fueled for the session.

What other things to do you do to encourage a positive mood in your learners?