As the country melts in the summer sun, Ian Pendfold gives his tips on how to keep your working environment cool as a cucumber.
The heat can make training a nightmare, with grumpy delegates and an even grumpier trainer. Dealing with dehydrated and lethargic trainees is no fun so stop the techiness before it starts by using these handy tips.
Use sun-protecting window film
As window film rejects up to 75% of solar heat, buildings and cars stay cooler without the use of air conditioning. The best window film vendors are also registered as Carbon Negative, which emphasises their dedication to reducing CO₂. It also gives you more privacy if you opt for the frosted version.
Turn off your appliances
Leaving appliances such as printers and computers on standby can use up almost as much energy as when they are switched on. This creates unnecessary heat in the office and contributes substantially to your overall energy bill.
Turn the lights out
Keeping lights off and blinds closed will ensure that your office is significantly cooler when you arrive to work, plus with the summer sun making the days longer, it can help cut the electricity bill by keeping lights off.
Plant shrubs
Tall, leafy plants in the office are an excellent source of shade and an eliminator of carbon dioxide, offering a solution that is both environmentally and heatwave-friendly.
Make use of water
Carry a bottle of water with you everywhere to stay hydrated, and have buckets of water in the office – the evaporation of these helps to cool the air. Also, placing your feet, the sweatiest part of your body, into water throughout the day will help to regulate your body temperature – while not always practical, it can certainly help you cool down.
Wear lightweight clothing
Wearing lightweight clothing, such as linen, will leave you feeling less overheated when exposed to high temperatures. Choosing white clothing is also a very good way to reflect, rather than absorb heat.
Use a hand-fan
Use a hand-fan, rather than a battery-powered or electric fan, to make sure you can cool yourself down when the sun comes out.
Do you have any tips to help cool down the training room? If so let us know by commenting on this thread.
Ian Penfold is the architectural manager at Solar Gard.
As the country melts in the summer sun, Ian Pendfold gives his tips on how to keep your working environment cool as a cucumber.
The heat can make training a nightmare, with grumpy delegates and an even grumpier trainer. Dealing with dehydrated and lethargic trainees is no fun so stop the techiness before it starts by using these handy tips.
Use sun-protecting window film
As window film rejects up to 75% of solar heat, buildings and cars stay cooler without the use of air conditioning. The best window film vendors are also registered as Carbon Negative, which emphasises their dedication to reducing CO₂. It also gives you more privacy if you opt for the frosted version.
Turn off your appliances
Leaving appliances such as printers and computers on standby can use up almost as much energy as when they are switched on. This creates unnecessary heat in the office and contributes substantially to your overall energy bill.
Turn the lights out
Keeping lights off and blinds closed will ensure that your office is significantly cooler when you arrive to work, plus with the summer sun making the days longer, it can help cut the electricity bill by keeping lights off.
Plant shrubs
Tall, leafy plants in the office are an excellent source of shade and an eliminator of carbon dioxide, offering a solution that is both environmentally and heatwave-friendly.
Make use of water
Carry a bottle of water with you everywhere to stay hydrated, and have buckets of water in the office – the evaporation of these helps to cool the air. Also, placing your feet, the sweatiest part of your body, into water throughout the day will help to regulate your body temperature - while not always practical, it can certainly help you cool down.
Wear lightweight clothing
Wearing lightweight clothing, such as linen, will leave you feeling less overheated when exposed to high temperatures. Choosing white clothing is also a very good way to reflect, rather than absorb heat.
Use a hand-fan
Use a hand-fan, rather than a battery-powered or electric fan, to make sure you can cool yourself down when the sun comes out.
Do you have any tips to help cool down the training room? If so let us know by commenting on this thread.
Ian Penfold is the architectural manager at Solar Gard.