I work in a 120-person office, one of a multi site organisation’s 30+ offices. We currently use a paper-based system to track staff availability and movements (so we can all see where people are, who’s in today etc) but many of us would like to move to an on-line system using the Groupwsie Calendar function on our Intranet.
The strongest resistance comes from the ‘custodians’ of the current system who are resistant to changing their practices – but fail to present any convincing arguments for retention of the paper system.
has anyone been through this before – and how did you tackle it?
Ken Smith
The strongest resistance comes from the 'custodians' of the current system who are resistant to changing their practices - but fail to present any convincing arguments for retention of the paper system.
has anyone been through this before - and how did you tackle it?
Ken Smith
2 Responses
Cost Savings
We have been investigating a system from Interflex which takes it’s recordings from mobile phones entries. I understand that it can also be used to schedule work.
There contact details are:
Interflex Time and Access Limited
26 Brindley Road
City Park Business Village
Manchester M16 9HQ
Tel: +44 161 877 8860
Fax: +44 161 877 8851
With regards to reasons to change from the old to the new an adaptation of the following should give you some figures to based the new systems on.
Calculate Time to Process Holidays Applicatsions
• 100 employees with 20 days holiday each a year equates to say 5 holiday requests during the year.
• 100 employees x 5 holiday requests = 500 requests in total per year.
• HR Officer spends 10 minutes processing each request
o 500 requests x 10 minutes = 5,000 minutes spent processing all holiday requests.
o 5,000 / 60 = 83.33 hours / 8 hours on average per working day = 10.4 days per
Calculate Money
• Take an average HR Officer’s salary of £20,000*
• Average working year is 20 days x 12 months = 240 days
• 20,000 / 240 = £83 per day
• 0.4 days x £83 = £863.20
o Piece of paper = 1p
o 500 requests x 1p = £50
Total Costs of Holiday Paperwork Per Annum
• Cost of staff £863
• Cost of paper £50
o Total Direct Costs £913 per annum
Forget the paper
I changed a similar system, but on a smaller scale just covering my managers. When I moved from paper to intranet it gave everone a chance to look up the information they needed without having to go through the holder of the paper system. This is the argument I would use for its introduction.
I hope you find this useful. Regards Steven.