I have been asked to find out what qualifications and / or experience is required to run a 'train the trainer' course; and if there is a course people can attend to give them the skills to run such a course. Any ideas?
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I have been asked to find out what qualifications and / or experience is required to run a 'train the trainer' course; and if there is a course people can attend to give them the skills to run such a course. Any ideas?
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9 Responses
I would also add there are trainers who’ll feed you stuff about Rep Systems and Predicates and VAK learning styles. Here are a couple of discussions that have taken place before on this issue and a web site you might find interesting to review. https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/item/122720 https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/item/166274 http://www.trainingreference.co.uk/skills/trainer/training_professional.htm
train the trainer – its not necessarily what you think
Adding to the two excellent contributions… it also depends what you need people to train.
For example in some sectors there is a TTT standard – or at least a sector expectation – for example IT, health-care or food hygiene etc..
Are these trainers going to be ‘full time’ or are they ‘subject matter experts’ that have a training role?
Also who is designing & evaluating the training? so what part of the training cycle do these people need to be trained in? full cycle or delivery only? this will make a big difference on the contents and structure.
Spending most of their time building delivery skills is great – but not at the expense of poor design.
If you attend (or look at the contents from) 3 TTT courses they will all be very different based on the parts of the training/ learning cycle the provider believes to be the most important (or sell-able!).
This lack of consistency is both a strength and a major weakness in the development of the L&D profession in the UK
Train the trainer
Thanks to all of you for the very useful comments and I will look at the links provided. I agree with Steve’s comments that the effects of running a bad TTT course will have ongoing consequences, which is partly why I am seeking help. I have designed and delivered training in specific subjects for the voluntary sector for a number of years so know how important it is for learners to gain more than ‘enjoying the course’, and it is a bit worrying as I have not (up to now) been able to find guidance especially due to the new teaching / trainer standards. I want to make sure that the TTT course would have the best outcomes for the learners
Mike,The aim is to provide people who manage volunteers with the skills to design and deliver training to their own volunteers not, (as far as I know) in specific technical based subjects e.g. First Aid, Food Hygiene etc but rather in terms of induction / in- house non accredited training specific to the organisation and as a way of self development for volunteer managers. The course would need to cover basic training design, and evaluation as well as delivery skills.
If there is no ‘official’ guidance on this then does that mean that by attending a TTT course oneself you can then run a TTT course for others as long as you are experienced in training? This has opened up some concerns for me especially as many of us have worked hard to get / keep good relevant standards in training.
TTT for VM’s
Hi Violynnz,
Most of the work I do is in the voluntary sector. I am currently part of the Stand C delivery for VM’s from Capacity Builders.
What you might want to consider is the length of the course. From my experience, VM’s don’t invest in themselves often, as they are more concerned with the experience for their volunteers. A typical TTT course that I run for a Local Authority is around 2-3 days, which includes a practical at the end. You might have difficult getting this sort of attendance in the current climate.
For a one day course of 6 hours you will need to think carefully about what you pack into the day and how you deliver it. It isn’t much time!
If you want to chat off-list, then give me a shout
Train the Trainer
Hi Violynnz
I deliver nationally accredited train the trainer courses, and train others in how to deliver them – please contact me if you want to find out more.
Kind regards
Train the trainer
The joy of running Train the Trainer courses is in the opportunity to practice exaclty what you preach and demonstrate both the structure and techniques as you go along. My background is with one of the old training boards (does anyone still remember them?!) which had an entire suite of courses covering group trainer, advanced trainer/facilitator, TNA, evaluation, and trainer of trainers, always based upon a specific set of standards which must be met to qualify. I have since modified, updated and tailored these for various organisations, and whilst not these days externally acredited, these still have the achgievement of minimum standards built in. Again, also happy to talk and share ideas.
Use Train the Trainer Training Materials
Good comments so far. Let me just add that you can also obtain train the trainer training materials to run a course and prepare your trainers. This can be more effective if you have a lot of trainers that you want to brief on the latest "art of training".
Hope it helps.
Ehsan Honary
Hi Violynnz
I am currently setting up a free taster for charity people in the use of online facility to provide training remotely; using webinar and conference call media for two hour intensive training sessions rather than booking venues, all travelling and meeting for a full day.
This isn’t directly a TTT event but the subjects you mention, and TTT, can all be done partially, if not wholly, remotely.
IF this is of interest then please drop me a line [rusdotslateratskydotcom](I would have contacted you out-of-forum but you have no contact options that way and I doubt that you are the "violynnz" on FaceBook)…if this is of no interest at all then please ignore this post.
Rus Slater
Train the Trainer to Train the Trainer
What you are looking for is a course that trains trainers to train trainers. In other words, something that equips them with the skills/knowledge to be regarded as the training expert in the organisations where they work. Courses are only part of this. They also need experience in doing it – and I strongly recommend an Action Learning approach to speed up the acquisition of experience. We ran such an Action Learning programme with a large market research organisation last year which enabled 16 people to go on to design and deliver their own train the trainer programme to another 350 people. By going through a short course (3 days) then a 3 month programme of action learning, during which they designed their own versions of Train the Trainer, they really had to learn their stuff. Their programmes cover training design (including understanding about adult learning), training delivery (both face-to-face and remote delivery), and the management of training projects (including stakeholder management and evaluation). As a result of this programme, they are now able to tons more of their training in house, have improved the quality of all the training that they do, and have saved a fortune! If you would like to speak to someone in the organisation or see a case study on the programme and its impact, let me know.