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Train the Trainer Courses – West Midlands


A Collegue of mine who has been doing some training on an informal basis is interested in attending a Train the Trainer course. Her duties currently involves Product, Company and systems Knowledge.
Does anybody know of a good, cheapish course based around the West midlands (she may be prepared to travel), that will give her a good foundation in training?

Many Thanks for all your replies in advance.
neil pearson

A Collegue of mine who has been doing some training on an informal basis is interested in attending a Train the Trainer course. Her duties currently involves Product, Company and systems Knowledge.
Does anybody know of a good, cheapish course based around the West midlands (she may be prepared to travel), that will give her a good foundation in training?

Many Thanks for all your replies in advance.
neil pearson

4 Responses

  1. Local FE college train the trainer courses
    A few years ago now, I did an evening train the trainer course at South Birmingham Collge. Most FE/ adult ed colleges will run a train the trainer course.

    It was cheap enough for my work to pay. And had the adantage of being over a number of weeks – I feel I learnt more than if it had been over 2 days.

    Hope your friend finds a course that suits them.

  2. Inspirational Course
    Hi Neil,

    We have a fantastic 3 day course running at Bletchley Park (the WWII codebreaking station) in Milton Keynes.

    It is outstandingly high quality at a very reasonable price £675.

    The next scheduled course with availability starts on 25th July 06.

    more information can be found at or they can call me on 01908 372398

    It is hard to say just how fab this course is without being too immodest.

