I have been a trainer of multi disciplines for the last twenty plus years within the services, yet I have no formal civilian recognised accreditation or qualifications. I wish to be able to achieve one or both without having to spend the next three years on an IPD course and the expense that will involve; any ideas/suggestions please!?
4 Responses
NVQ Accreditation
Have you considered an NVQ in Training/Development?
I was in a similar position, although with only about 7 years experience.
I completed a level 4 qualification in just over a year, approx £230 I think, via City & Guilds / local college of FE.
I think it may also be possible to do an IPD course using Accreditation of Prior Learning, but it’s probably a more expensive option.
Hope this helps
Options seem to be limited!
Some years ago I had a member of staff who faced the same dilemma. A lot depends on why you want it. If it is recognition for job opportunities/recruitment then the IPD assessment of prior learning is probably the better option than the NVQ.
TDLB Level 4
We offer the TDLB NVQ Level 4 in Training and Development. I am sure that we should be able to look into APA/L to cut down on the hard work and time. It just depends hwere you are based? E-mail me your details to see how we can help. My e-mail address is m.sumyk@themutual.net I look forward to hearing from you.
Trainer Certification
Apparently the Institute of Supervisory Management offer a certificate in training. You can get more details about this from Dawn Edwards of Challenge Consultancy, tel: 0115-955 1995.
You can also get some excellent civilian training (although not necessarily accreditation) from The Training Shop (www.thetrainingshop.co.uk)