I’m looking for a facilitator who is able to design and deliver team building sessions as I would like to broaden the base of suppliers that we use.
Would anyone be able to recommend someone and be willing to supply their name and contact details? Many thanks in advance.
Anna Boyce
Would anyone be able to recommend someone and be willing to supply their name and contact details? Many thanks in advance.
Anna Boyce
13 Responses
Can do
I can help you with this. You can get me on 0131 258 0622
trainer / facilitator
Hi Anna,
One way of broadening your supplier base is by visiting http://www.trainerbase.co.uk where many trainers / facilitators are listed. You also have the option of placing a tender.
Hope this is of use to you.
Debbie Beale
teambuilding facilitators
Try us at http://www.toojays.co.uk or our sister company http://www.bramleylakes.co.uk for bespoke, tailored teambuilding events & programmes. Regards Lee 07702269704
Team Building
We have just successfully used QED Training who designed and delivered the following courses
Team Building
Working within teams from a diversity and equality perspective
Working well with others
They are on 0161-834-7822
Their lead trainer,William is on a mobile 07763785717
I assume also you have been in touch with the Belbin people in the UK?
Best Wishes
Trainer / facilitator for team building
Hi Anna,
I can highly recommend Megan Borysiewicz Cole for this project. She has worked with me on numerous occasions and always receives glowing feedback and fantastic results. Megan has devilverd High Performance Team Building Training with The Metropolitan Police, Centro, Cosmos, Mattel and West Pac amongst others. Her work with Cosmos won them Industry Awards. Megan can be contacted on 01843570017 or 07970922984
Team Building
I would heartily recommend Barry Williamson Associates. Barry has designed and delivered highly successful events for local authorities, govenrment departments and major companies.
Email Barry at barry.williamson@virgin.net
try rainbow
I would recommend to you a training company called Rainbow. They have a great deal of experience in management training in particular and at all levels of management.
Speak with Doug Maden on 01324 718082 or email contact is at admin@rainbowtrainingsolutions.co.uk
If you want to speak to me further for a more personal chat please give me a call
Hope you find them useful
Yes we would love to help
Hi Anna
I run a training and development company called RDT. Lots of experience with developing teams at all levels and with a wide range of clients. Do take a look at our website http://www.responsedt.com. You can phone me on 01277 350737. I look forward to hearing from you.
Building Powerful Teams
Hello Anna – I can suggest another web site for you to peruse and that is http://www.cogniteconsulting.com – Cognite have significant expertise in building Individuals & Powerful Teams by working with many high profile Corporates such as 3M, BUPA etc as well as Schools and Universities. Cognite offers on-going personal and team development from ‘YOUTH to EXECUTIVE’
Arian Associates Ltd
Unlike some of the other responses – would it possible to have a location for these team building sessions before we offer our services please ?
See our website to see if we are anywhere near you.
Can offer my services
After over 20 years int eh learning and OD field, i have just started my own consultancy.
I have over 15 years of team and leadership development experience, having worked nationally and internationally, including multi-cultural and virtual teams.
if I can be of assistance, ps contact me at nina@nima.freeserve.co.uk. Look forward, Nina
a game that runs itself
Hi Anna
In addition to what you have already, how about a game that’s easy to play, where teams are taught to take the lead and facilitate themselves. I am a facilitator as well so if you want to know more please email me lilamani@interactgamesltd.com
Take care
Facilitator Scandinavia
Hi Anne
If you are looking for someone on the continent maybe we can help. We work internationally with team building and the with understanding human diversity, from a type, temperament and interpersonal needs perspective.
If you need more information or wish to make contact see below.
Nikki Huyer
email: nh@minova.dk
Tel: +45 40517654