Hi can anyone tell me from their experience if they have found it worth joining Trainer base?
Many thanks
Frances McLoughlin
Many thanks
Frances McLoughlin
Hi can anyone tell me from their experience if they have found it worth joining Trainer base?
Many thanks
Frances McLoughlin
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
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6 Responses
Trainerbase – worth joining?
Hi Frances
If you are just expecting to register for free or pay the subscription and get lots of work – then no.
TrainerBase is like most other networks in that the more active you are the more you can get out of the membership(work).
The difference with TrainerBase is that it is in-itself active in promoting both the site and its members to potential customers.
For it to work for you, you need to invest in it – and I am not just talking about the subscription. You need to be active on the TrainerBase discussions, submit resources for people to look at, build a good profile – and keep it changing (google loves TrainerBase)
If you want to chat off-line please email me.
Effix innit?
Speaking personally and as someone actively involved in recruitment I have an aversion to any website that asks me to pay money to access jobs/contracts, whether directly or indirectly via the creation of a membership/subscription. I think its a slippery slope, one doesnt have to pay to access jobs at High St agencies, their websites, employers or newspapers (nominal) however the creation of a website and its numerous services somehow means this is allowed to slip under the radar. Where would we be in 10 years time if the only place you could access jobs/contracts were privately run, subscription only websites?
So for me, ethically I dont agree with some websites charging for access to contracts/jobs, as a consequence I wont join them.
Whose ethics
I am totally mystified about your intimation that there is something un-ethical about providing a business to business service that offers a benefit that is charged for. You may not want to pay for developing your business but others do and will pursue this within the legal framework; please expand on how this is bad.
And as for radar; I presume you are talking about the Employment Agencies Regulations. I again presume you know that we were reported to the DTI way back in 2005 (I am 90% sure who it was) and that as a result of a minor change in our business model do not appear on their radar (out of range rather than underneath). This minor change was cheaper that challenging an antiquated (1973) law in court which it was admitted, was not intended to restrict this (TB) type of business. (There may be a law but that does not mean it is a good/just/appropriate law).
And before you respond, do check your facts; as you know a previous thread within which you responded was removed from this site under challenge of illegal content.
Founder and Editor of Trainerbase
Hi Frances,
I would definietely recommend joining Trainerbase. I have been a member for over three years and find it really beneficial for several reasons.
1) As with this section on Trainingzone I find the discussion board really useful and visit it daily.
2) I have made contact with, networked with and met face to face more than 50 other freelance trainers. This in it self has been very useful for gaining support and assistance with subject matter.
3) I have been invited to work with other trainers and also had other trainers support my projects.
4)I have attended all three Trainerbase Conferences where I have attended numerous training sessions which would have otherwise cost a huge amount.
5) I have won work through applying for job opportunities.
6) My profile recieves regular hits. From orgainisations that have approached me I have undertaken jobs through out UK, Europe and the Middle East amounting to tens of thousands of pounds.
I agree with Mike the more you put in the more you will get out of it.
I have no hesitation in recommending the site and have already introduced several of my collegues to it.
Please call me directly if you would like to chat about it.
C’est ne pas pour moi
>>>as you know a previous thread within which you responded was removed from this site under challenge of illegal content.>>>
No I didnt know that, I had no idea. At least on this site you dont have to pay for discussion. Mind you, all sites whether paid or not operate a degree of censorship speaking personally I’d rather be censored by a free site than a paid site.
Like I said its not for me, no big deal.
Yes to TrainerBase
I certianly would recommend TrainerBase. I have been a member for several years and as well as winning several training contacts, I have made some great contacts via the site.
Wishing you ever success.