I have a possible lead with a prospect who is interested in receiving training outside our current areas of operation, they are:
Media Training (how to talk to the press and media on delicate and controversial subjects)
Employment Law (aimed at general office procedures and not too deep, definitely no Latin)
Would be interested in receiving CVs or referrals online or off to pass on to the prospect. (This is not definite but fore-warned is fore-armed)
The fly in the ointment is that delivery would take place in West Wales.
Peter Mayes
Development Director
Fairlawn Initiative Ltd
E: peterm@fairlawn.co.uk
W: www.fairlawn.co.uk
T: 01239 711514
F: 01239 711724
Peter Mayes
Media Training (how to talk to the press and media on delicate and controversial subjects)
Employment Law (aimed at general office procedures and not too deep, definitely no Latin)
Would be interested in receiving CVs or referrals online or off to pass on to the prospect. (This is not definite but fore-warned is fore-armed)
The fly in the ointment is that delivery would take place in West Wales.
Peter Mayes
Development Director
Fairlawn Initiative Ltd
E: peterm@fairlawn.co.uk
W: www.fairlawn.co.uk
T: 01239 711514
F: 01239 711724
Peter Mayes
6 Responses
Fly in the ointment – really?
I’ve heard West Wales called many things (beautiful, peaceful, friendly…etc) but ‘the fly in the ointment’? Could you be more insuting? Given the chance to visit such a great location anyone with any sense would jump at it.
Lucy Griffiths
Not with the Welsh Tourist Board.
PS Pembrokeshire is very sunny today….
Re:Media Training
For Media Training, please check out our website at:
Whilst we do not do training in Employment Law, I have shared a number of seminar platforms with a solicitor from the North West who I am sure would be willing to deliver a training course.
It was not my intention to insult my adopted place of residence but to point out that the possible work is in a remote location.
Experience points to a lack of enthusiasm for many to venture West of Swansea regardless of the undoubted beauty of the region.
It was sunny in Ceredigion as well today..
employment law specialist
I have an associate of mine who is both a practicing solicitor in this area and leads one, two or (preferrably) three day courses for business managers and owners. Please let me know if we can help you. Wales is the land of my fathers and I should love to be able to help a company avoid the excesses of (mostly) EU inflicted law.
employment law specialist and failed latin scholar!
An HR professional now specialising in employment law. Presented over 100 days of training in last 12 months, practical, participative, lots of case studies. If of interest can forward cv to you(prefer post please)
CME provides understandable Employment Law training
I provide employment law training for small businesses and have delivered courses over the past five years for Business Link Essex, Essex Business Centre, Chamber of Commerce and a variety of Enterprise Agencies in Essex.