Most people know that the Microsoft websites have many resources for working with Office software. The fact is that browsing these prolific websites is extremely time consuming.
TrainingZONE’s IT training page is constantly monitoring sites on behalf of its members, and aims to find some of the best, most useful and relevant of these sites for recommendation to our IT training readers.
Microsoft does actually have a rather useful website for trainers who use Microsoft Office applications. This week we would like to draw your attention to a site called – ‘Focus ON’, where the UK Microsoft Office site team have put together a ‘wealth of information’ on the Office family, much of which many trainers will find informative and useful.
Once you reach the homepage of this site you will be presented with all kinds of interesting options. One in particular, which we feel you could find especially purposeful for use in your training, is the ‘handouts’ site, which is a subsection of each main subject i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, FrontPage and more.
For example -:
click on the Excel link (fourth down on the right hand side) of the opening web page. The next opening page contains a list of options scroll down to the fourth link on the left hand side – entitled ‘Excel handouts’, click the ‘click here for Excel handouts’ link. This takes you to Excel options – here you will find a variety of options, such as ‘Getting started with formulae now’, ‘Functions, ‘Templates’ and an especially useful one entitled ‘Frequently Asked Questions Download Now! – Questions that new (ish) users of Excel always seem to ask! this is the one we chose for exemplar purposes, as shown below.
Most frequently asked questions
As stated, our chosen sample is taken from the Excel range of handouts, but there are similar titles for the other Office applications. This is a one-page handout which most trainers will find extremely useful to use for newish students. It has questions and answers in an easy to understand format – on topics, all Excel trainers will immediately recognise from experience with newish students to Excel. Some of the questions are:
- Where has all my data gone?
- Is there an AutoSave in Excel?
- Why have my numbers changed to #? and many more.
Direct link to Excel – most frequently asked questions.
The absolutely brilliant thing, with these downloads, is that having downloaded and printed them you can then make photocopies for distribution as freely as you desire. They are not governed by copy write laws which means you can use them as handouts in training sessions, or you can show as screen shots from Excel 2000, most of the handouts relate to Office 97 also.
If you have any favourite or interesting websites to share with other members please write to Kathleen Hopper
TrainingZONE's IT training page is constantly monitoring sites on behalf of its members, and aims to find some of the best, most useful and relevant of these sites for recommendation to our IT training readers.
Microsoft does actually have a rather useful website for trainers who use Microsoft Office applications. This week we would like to draw your attention to a site called - 'Focus ON', where the UK Microsoft Office site team have put together a 'wealth of information' on the Office family, much of which many trainers will find informative and useful.
Once you reach the homepage of this site you will be presented with all kinds of interesting options. One in particular, which we feel you could find especially purposeful for use in your training, is the 'handouts' site, which is a subsection of each main subject i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, FrontPage and more.
For example -:
click on the Excel link (fourth down on the right hand side) of the opening web page. The next opening page contains a list of options scroll down to the fourth link on the left hand side - entitled 'Excel handouts', click the 'click here for Excel handouts' link. This takes you to Excel options - here you will find a variety of options, such as 'Getting started with formulae now', 'Functions, 'Templates' and an especially useful one entitled 'Frequently Asked Questions Download Now! - Questions that new (ish) users of Excel always seem to ask! this is the one we chose for exemplar purposes, as shown below.
Most frequently asked questions
As stated, our chosen sample is taken from the Excel range of handouts, but there are similar titles for the other Office applications. This is a one-page handout which most trainers will find extremely useful to use for newish students. It has questions and answers in an easy to understand format - on topics, all Excel trainers will immediately recognise from experience with newish students to Excel. Some of the questions are:
- Where has all my data gone?
- Is there an AutoSave in Excel?
- Why have my numbers changed to #? and many more.
Direct link to Excel - most frequently asked questions.
The absolutely brilliant thing, with these downloads, is that having downloaded and printed them you can then make photocopies for distribution as freely as you desire. They are not governed by copy write laws which means you can use them as handouts in training sessions, or you can show as screen shots from Excel 2000, most of the handouts relate to Office 97 also.
If you have any favourite or interesting websites to share with other members please write to Kathleen Hopper