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Trainers support network seeks more members


I'm a member of a Trainers learning group called DORIS which is seeking to expand its "memership"; we belive that the dynamics of the group would benefit from others with more diverse backgrounds.

For more information contact Chris Lambah
01952 850370
07770 896600


The start
* No preciousness!
* Mark proposes that a personal profile be developed for each person. Also, that a Health check form/output form be developed for each person for each meeting, looking at needs and state.
* Learning contract ideas from John Peake, for the 2 days
* Continual review through sessions
* All responsible for group process
* Process to include others
* Small groups where needed

Ground rules
* Meet 6 times per year, 1-2 days at a time?
* Minutes to be circulated to full list of attendees, even if they did not attend.
* 1 person to organise details of date and time for each meeting
* Any new person coming in has a mentor or guardian angel; essential that they are also sent a copy of the vision/'rules' for the group before they come to the first meeting, as well as people's profiles as required
* Copy of 'rules' to be held for reference at each meeting

Individuals to present feedback to the group and get feedback. Also individuals to be responsible for the general agenda in sections. Goal is to make full use of the skills set of the group. Hold an issues session each meeting? A set point where we can also develop the agenda and raise opportunities in the group. The balance of personal learning needs against the development of a generic concept.

Process issue for the group : lots of different understandings of the discussion taking place; sometimes need to let go and get on, if we want to strike the balance of ownership and total understanding with the desire to learn, move, achieve and deliver.

The DORIS Contract

Continuous and appropriate
happy - (trust the positive intent); self policing on this.
Mixture of immediate and delayed (email)
Freely given at all times unless otherwise stated

Will change style to suit
Shared responsibility
Allow leader to lead, trust them

Individuals & Views

Self (stretch, risk) ask for feedback

Time Out
Anyone can call
Quality, social time

Personal Development
Individuals make needs explicit and ask for support

Intellectual Capital
Label it if you don't want it in general circulation
Disclosure is within this group only
Respect privacy if asked for
