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Trainer’s tip: More than a hat trick


Rus Slater says the seven S model is the secret to team goal setting.

You might want to consider using a derivation of the seven S model for this.

Although it was originally used as a way to evaluate excellence it can also be used as an holistic planning tool:

The S’s are:-

Shared Vision – what do we want to get out of the subject
Strategy – generically how do we need to do this
Staff – what people do we need to support this
Structure – what hierarchy/organisation do we need
Style – what day-to-day behaviours must we and others exhibit
Systems – what reporting, communications, escalation systems will help (or hinder) achievement
Skills – what competences will we need, our people need, their line managers need

1. Start with the Shared Vision – as there are only 12 I’d say you can get them to work in two groups to answer a question, e.g. What would we like to see as the way in which projects are delivered here? Give them 30 minutes in two groups, share answers, then combine to produce one pithy answer supported by all. Get this written up on the wall in full to be referred to. It might read something like;

To have all projects planned and managed to a common method, actively supported by line managers and matrix managers alike.

2. Cover each of the other 6 S’s in turn by posing the question; To achieve the Shared Vision what do we need to have in the area of…?

3. You can use a different methods for different S’s, e.g. all together brainstorm, three groups of four, two groups of six, or even one group on Staff and one on Skills (those two are linked). Where you use small groups you need to have a robust plenary session to get a consensus outcome which you then capture.

4. After the event you can feed back the outcomes to the group (where they relate to the behaviours and activities of group members), to the HR function (where they relate to performance management for matrix project team members who have ‘day jobs’ elsewhere) and to senior managers (where support is needed in terms of company policy or management clout).

I have run sessions like this for organisations in the past and they have been extremely successful in creating usable outputs to drive the business forward.

View the original posting: Goal Setting

See more: Trainer’s Tips

Rus Slater says the seven S model is the secret to team goal setting.

You might want to consider using a derivation of the seven S model for this.

Although it was originally used as a way to evaluate excellence it can also be used as an holistic planning tool:

The S's are:-

Shared Vision - what do we want to get out of the subject
Strategy - generically how do we need to do this
Staff - what people do we need to support this
Structure - what hierarchy/organisation do we need
Style - what day-to-day behaviours must we and others exhibit
Systems - what reporting, communications, escalation systems will help (or hinder) achievement
Skills - what competences will we need, our people need, their line managers need

1. Start with the Shared Vision - as there are only 12 I'd say you can get them to work in two groups to answer a question, e.g. What would we like to see as the way in which projects are delivered here? Give them 30 minutes in two groups, share answers, then combine to produce one pithy answer supported by all. Get this written up on the wall in full to be referred to. It might read something like;

To have all projects planned and managed to a common method, actively supported by line managers and matrix managers alike.

2. Cover each of the other 6 S's in turn by posing the question; To achieve the Shared Vision what do we need to have in the area of...?

3. You can use a different methods for different S's, e.g. all together brainstorm, three groups of four, two groups of six, or even one group on Staff and one on Skills (those two are linked). Where you use small groups you need to have a robust plenary session to get a consensus outcome which you then capture.

4. After the event you can feed back the outcomes to the group (where they relate to the behaviours and activities of group members), to the HR function (where they relate to performance management for matrix project team members who have 'day jobs' elsewhere) and to senior managers (where support is needed in terms of company policy or management clout).

I have run sessions like this for organisations in the past and they have been extremely successful in creating usable outputs to drive the business forward.

View the original posting: Goal Setting

See more: Trainer's Tips