Make sure that employees realise the superb training on offer with these ten tips from Graham O’Connell.
My tips for marketing are:
- Think beyond needs analaysis and consider marketing research – find out wants and expectations as well as needs; look at the differences in different ‘segments’ of the organisation.
- Work to a high quality, high value standard for your products and services – good training speaks for itself; make sure the advisory services and admin are top notch; don’t let finance issues drive you down a low cost high volume path if it is not the right one.
- Focus on getting the right learning to the right people at the right time in the right way.
- Get your publicity and communication mix right – from posters to email, from open days to articles in the office magazine.
- Develop good copy writing skills – make sure your message meets the objective.
- Create a brand – not just a logo or look – embed a positive perception about training, your people and your products.
- Think as if you were a business – you probably don’t charge, but if you did would people buy? Get on top of cancellations and ‘no shows’.
- Lead with some flagship ideas or products – not everything can be leading edge but make sure you do at least one thing that really impresses.
- Manage problems and complaints quickly and effectively.
- Make sure that the training really makes a difference – good promotion and publicity gets you off to a good start but enduring reputation is built on substance not gloss.
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Marketing of Training Courses
See more Trainer’s Tips:
My tips for marketing are:
- Think beyond needs analaysis and consider marketing research - find out wants and expectations as well as needs; look at the differences in different 'segments' of the organisation.
- Work to a high quality, high value standard for your products and services - good training speaks for itself; make sure the advisory services and admin are top notch; don't let finance issues drive you down a low cost high volume path if it is not the right one.
- Focus on getting the right learning to the right people at the right time in the right way.
- Get your publicity and communication mix right - from posters to email, from open days to articles in the office magazine.
- Develop good copy writing skills - make sure your message meets the objective.
- Create a brand - not just a logo or look - embed a positive perception about training, your people and your products.
- Think as if you were a business - you probably don't charge, but if you did would people buy? Get on top of cancellations and 'no shows'.
- Lead with some flagship ideas or products - not everything can be leading edge but make sure you do at least one thing that really impresses.
- Manage problems and complaints quickly and effectively.
- Make sure that the training really makes a difference - good promotion and publicity gets you off to a good start but enduring reputation is built on substance not gloss.
View the original posting:
Marketing of Training Courses
See more Trainer’s Tips: