Not one, but ten tips this week, courtesy of Laura Gaillard, who offers advice on how to present with confidence and competence.
1. Know your subject/ material:
- Research the material;
- Use anecdotes/ 'war' stories.
2. Know your audience:
- Try early introductions as they enter;
- Imagine them as friends not an audience.
3. Practise, then practise, then practise again:
- Rehearse out loud – again and again until you are word perfect;
- Understand the equipment/ software/ hardware you are using.
4. Imagine yourself giving the speech:
- Visualise how it will go on the day;
- Imagine the audience are applauding and smiling.
5. Know the room/ layout/ forum:
- Arrive early;
- Map out the audience layout;
- Check your equipment.
6. Relax:
- Deep breathing;
- Check body posture.
7. Don't forget that the audience want you to succeed:
- They want to be stimulated;
- They want to be interested;
- They do not want you to fail.
8. Do not apologise for any (imagined) personal shortcomings:
- You are confident;
- The audience would not notice it anyway.
9. Concentrate on the message not the medium:
- The message is the most important thing;
- Do not face the screen– concentrate on them.
10. Get as much experience as possible:
- The more you do, the better you get;
- Volunteer for more presentations.
View the original posting: See more Trainer's Tips