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Training and Development Policy


Over the last 12 months I have worked extremely hard to establish a training department within a small non profit organisation.

During this time I have had to overcome several obstacles and some degree of resistence in areas of the business, that I think would be better addressed by introducing a training and development policy.

I don't have a clue where to start, so if anyone can help me out, I would be most grateful.

Please contact me at:

4 Responses

  1. Use the internet
    I would heartily recommend using ‘’ or ‘’ and simply type in the words ‘training policy’. I did this and came up with lots of versions… some organisations don’t “seal” their intranet from the World. I ended up with a hybrid of a couple of universities and a government department in Australia!

    One tip I was given by an IIP assessor is not to commit to a certain number of days, include something about supporting union reps to learn and widen equality to include accessibility of training. Hope this helps. I’ll happily share the policy I developed

  2. Have a look at
    This is a re-occuring question on TrainingZONE.
    I suggest going to the AnyAnswers homepage and searching the any answers area with the search term ‘policy’

    This should list the previous questions and answers.

    Hope that helps


  3. Training Policy
    Hi Emily
    I was in exactly the same position with a company that had previously no training dept at all. My training policy is now about 20 pages long but does provide direction for the company and departments. make sure that you state it is a living document so that you can amend it during the year as I found some policies can be slow to reach agreement. Look at the internet and read through other companies’ – it gives you a structure – if you email me, I would be happy to share mine. Your company’s business plan will also be needed to ensure that your training objectives tie in with the business and the business values/goals.Good luck.Pam

  4. Email address
    Pamela, I would love to email you to share your policy, however you have omitted to put your email address on!