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Training Bodies


Hi all.

I have been involved in training for more years than I care to admit to.
When I also had an HR role I joined CIPD, since then I have change my roles and no longer had anything to do with HR and I felt that CIPD were more and more HR and moving away from training and trainers. I now hold the position of Operations Training & Development Manager for an aviation company and apart from a small amount of soft skills training its all about operational training for our worldwide trainers. My question is, is there any bodies akin to CIPD that is for training and trainers?

8 Responses

  1. Training Bodies

    Two bodies spring to mind:  The Institute of Training and Occupational Learning (ITOL) and the British Institute of Leading and

    Development (BILD).  BILD is the newer body and seems to be more proactive but they are both worth investigating to see which

    fits you best.  Costs and entry methods are similar.

  2. Because you’re Worth It!

    Hi Brian

    There are many reasons why people like us may wish to be associated with a training/professional institute of some kind – whether you are employed as a trainer/training manager or if you operate as an independent consultant. Your choice of professional body will be guided by your needs – the core reasons you want to join. I can tell you what I want, what I do and what benefits I get from my memberships, CIPD, BILD, ITOL – I am an independent consultant and interim with a particular interest in OD, Change and Leadership.

    CIPD is the place where I engage with the latest learning across a broad range of HR/Organisation topics. It is a leading professional body with credibility and I have got a lot out of my association with it in Branch and Exec Board roles. The CIPD deal on PI insurance is one of the best around – probably worth joining just to get that if you operate as an independent!

    BILD is attractive for other reasons. It has a vibrant and innovative feel – particularly in relation to developing and harnessing technology to deliver enhanced learning. I participated in a pilot webinar debate last week with other BILD colleagues – and it was agreat learning experience. I am chairing a session at their conference quite soon and looking forward to that experience too.

    ITOL, on the other hand appear to be focusing on developing training skills/capability and providing qualifications like Advanced Cert. in Training and Occupational Learning. They are embarking on a series of e-newsletters with a focus on Coaching – and I have recently written a pice for them on Coaching which will be included in that.

    So, you can see I am getting my ‘fix’ from 3 different places. My primary driver is professional development for me and others, sharing learning, being in tune with new approaches. The engagement with these 3 bodies endures I do the stuff I need to do to develop.

    So – you pays your money and gets the benefits – ‘cos you’re worth it!


    Wyn Llewellyn FCIPD, FBILD, FITOL

    ps.!! and you can put letters after your name!!


  3. Training Bodies

    I’m involved with learning design and delivery and faced a similar dilemma to you. I am now a fully fledged member of BILD and would strongly recommend membership to anyone working in a training/educational vocation – they are totally focused on the needs of the training professional. Plenty of good advice and lots of networking opportunities and membership rates are very affordable.  

  4. Try BILD

    — Patrick Fitzpatrick Director, eLearning PTK Learning

    Hi Brian

    It might be worth trying BILD (British Institute for Learning & Development).  I have been a member for many years now, BILD are very much focused around the standards of learning delivery whatever the delivery mechanism.  As a member I am very much committed to driving forward the high standards performance and professionalism of learning for the future — this is a key ethos for BILD.

    Check out their website at

    I hope this helps.




  5. Re: Training Bodies

     Hi Brian

    I would look at all of the previous answers and also take a look at Learning Practitioners Association (LPA) if you are a freelance trainer.  You may have come across this in a previous incarnation called Trainerbase?

    One of the great benefits of the LPA is that the have what is called a Certified Learning Practitioner (CLP) award that is excellent.  I am a CLPer myself and found it a great benefit.  It covers three main principles for a freelance trainer which are Personal Principle, Operation Principle and COmmercial Principle.  To gain the CLP you need to meet the standard for all three – and it is much harder and more in depth than the CTP type offerings.  You can find more info on the standard here.


    Andrew Miller 

     p.s. totally agree with you the CIPD being next to useless for trainers!

  6. Training Bodies

    Depends what you are looking for but if you want a couple of networks for sahring thought and ideas then try AMED ( or the International Facilitators Association (



  7. Changing emphasis

    Hi Brian,

    I’ve never been in HR but have designed materials for the CIPD so know the subject areas fairly thoroughly.  There came a time when I wanted to align myself with something for lifelong professional learning that encompasses both training and degrees or other university level qualifications.  I did not want to become labelled as HR because I’m not so the CIPD, well-known as it is, was not for me.  Personally, I found the BILD (British Instute of Learning and Development) a good match.  When short-course training is required, I can call on training expertise; when something  longer is required, there are plenty of people with UK and international qualifications and learning pathways experience.  Importantly, I am not pigeon-holed and can do my own learning or pass on experience as required.  It suits the areas where I work which, mostly with the over 25s, blurs the traditional experience/education/skills divides and allows learners to mix and match as they see fit  – over decades and international borders if necessary.

    I hope that helps.

