Just a quick question to gather some thoughts.
All of the training company websites I’ve ssen, ours included always tend to look very corporate. Is this expected due to the type if business we are in, or do you think you can be creative and different with the branding and design?
In other words, would something a bit too creative and different turn people off?
Just a quick question to gather some thoughts.
All of the training company websites I've ssen, ours included always tend to look very corporate. Is this expected due to the type if business we are in, or do you think you can be creative and different with the branding and design?
In other words, would something a bit too creative and different turn people off?
8 Responses
Hi D
As someone who has bought a bit of Training recently websites are extremely important. The majority I came across in my search were all very similar so being "different" is a good thing in my opinion. Blue is the favoured colour for some reason so by simply being another colour than blue you will already be different!
Here is a great example of a Training company website that not only stands out but gives you an indication of what they offer instantly without having to search too much.
I was also shocked by the amount of time many of the companies took to get back to me after making and enquiry.
One major provider took 3 days. In this time of recession this is unbelievable…needless to say the one who got the job sorted me out within an hour of first looking at their website.
I just looked at your website and it looks very professional and bright…all good. I think a strapline or a USP would be useful…why use your company and not one of the hundreds of others?…That why I like the Natural learning Company…just the name makes you curious to find out more!
Yeah I noticed that to, lot’s of blue – even our site is blue.
Did some reading about colours on websites this morning and it seems that colours shoul dbe chosen by what mood and feeling. Blue is a sign of trust apparently, so maybe a reason why so many people choose blue unconsiously.
I woul dlove to do something bold that really stands out but can’t help feel that it will alienate people from what we do.
— Managing Director Revolution Learning and Development Ltd http://www.revolutionlearning.net
Hi D
New front page looks better.
Do you realise there isn’t one single image on the top half of the front page? It sort of goes against everything that is "Training" so anyone who does this for a living would probably notice that?
A happy smiley face and a key message would work wonders…I spent a lot of time trawling through websites recently and you really have only got a few seconds before I go elsewhere. Smiley faces are engaging.
I quite like the fact thet you are in the North East (as I am from there) …maybe incorpoarate that angle?
"Honest No Nonsense Training from the North East" (It works for Hovis!)
Advice given…
Good original question…..and responses Steve.
You’re spot on with needing to make the right impression..if not people move on (which I’m led to believe is reflected on your google analytics ‘bounce rate’?!)
But often business owners / training companies….are at the mercy of the web designer! Giving advice and guidance on best practice, SEO, what can and can’t be done and what will look best…and well as insight on things like layout and colour (and yep colours do matter http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/175428 perhaps explains why so many training companies us included go for blue…subliminal messages around trust? reliability?)
In my experience the web designers are often great at the technical programming….but have little understanding or awareness around customer engagement or business development.
After 9 years in business…4 different evolutions of our website…we found a media partner who we can engage with and trust to advise best way to promote our multiple services and products. This guy speaks in terms of business rather than programmer language.
Guess am opening ourselves to be shot down now for all it’s flaw’s… but we’re happy with it www.toojays.co.uk
Feedback welcome!
PS 3 days to gether back to you Steve? Shocking lack of customer focus!! Guess they won’t be a leading provider for much longer
Corporate Appearance of Web Sites
An interesting discussion, just reading what Lee said reminds me of my first visit to the people who designed my site, armed with lots of info about the business/target markets…and so on. It was a very sunny day I distinctly remember being dressed in pink ….the first design came it was pink and very girly. I was horrified having explained that I worked in a male dominated environment mainly in the Middle East that the designer could suggest this design which for me was very feminine and not at all corporate. I think my branding is now established and recognisable and I wouldn’t change it however I do think if you have a content management system you can play about with imagery that complement the branding.
Very good Toojays…I would stay and have a look around…
* before anyone posts a link I have no say whatsoever in how our website looks! You know who you are!
Hi Dave,
Just read your comments with regards to training web pages, and the fact many are blue!!!
Low & behold not only is my web-site is navy, but also all my company branding.
That said my favourite colour is and always will be navy, so I think that was the driving factor, more than the fact that the colour blue portrays trust and communication.
The website was originally designed in 2001, and the only colour change was the addition of pink/purple, to feminise and soften the image of the company.
I am sure training companies web sites can be more creative, but one would have to consider what type of website will induce their potential customers to either email or phone to get more information, and ultimately buy from you.
Over the years a lot of functionality has been integrated within our web site, including e-newletters, surveys and questionniares, all designed to support the training experience.
Currently 70% of my business comes from the web-site, of which 90% are blue chip companies, so I’m currently of the opinion, if it ain’t broke don’t mess with it.
I find Steve’s comment about the amount of time it takes company to respond to an enquiry interesting, especially in today’s climate. I think the old adage the early bird catches the worm rings true. Customers need to feel important and appreciated that they have taken teh time to choose to speak to you.
Our web site has an auto-responder when the contact us form is completed, which says that will contact them within 4 hours, but usually we will repond within 30 minutes, usually be phone rather than email, and I think that helps to raise their experience and trust in dealing with us and why we normally get the work.
My Website
I specialise in Sales, Marketing and Business Training for Personal Trainers and use a content rich blog style site http://www.howtomarketpt.com my niche seem to like this approach, I guess it depends on what your niche think