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Training course toolkits


Hi all,

Can anyone recommend a provider / supplier of training toolkits in the following:

Presentation skills

Report writing

Conflict management

The client wants a stand alone and complete training toolkit for each subject area so that they can deliver the course in-house. They do not want accreditation or any train the trainer provision. They just want to be able to "pick it up and deliver"!!

9 Responses

  1. Training Materials & Training Resources

    Hi, we have resources that will support the requirements you state. Take a look at our website at

    The materials are fully editable and they can add their own logos etc.

    I hope this helps.


  2. That’s what I do



    I have written complete training manuals on programs like this. If the person contacts me I will provide an example for free of what I do and then I will just need to revamp some of my material. I have been writing and delivering training programs for organisations and trainers for over twenty years – hence I am pretty good at it.

    I am releasing very soon a complete training program on customer service from my web page





  3. Off the Shelf Materials


    Although producing material for others to deliver is my core business, I produce bespoke solutions rather than materials for general sale (at the moment!). If you need something quickly, check out They sell loads of materials and courses at (I think) a very good price. You can get materials on sites like, but I think that the quality is not so good. I’m afraid that you do get what you pay for in this game.

    Kind Regards,

    Sheridan Webb


  4. Try trainerslibrary
    Hi, have a look at as they have all their stuff broken down into modules so you can build your own bespoke packs. You may also want to try the traditional route of Fenman.

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