I have been asked to look into genuinely innovative training options within my organisation (a finance/technology company) and would welcome any suggestions/case studies from people who have received or delivered courses in this area. I have the freedom that this programme will sit outside of any formal competency framework and instead want to encourage better engagement in training and learning with junior to mid manager employees - so the more unusual and interesting the better.
rachael moorhouse

5 Responses
Experiential Learning
Hi there
I’ve used a company called Right Track who are excellent at delivering unusual and engaging experiential learning programmes. They do have some on their website but will tailor one to suit you – the one I used was a Customer Service package.
Innovative training courses
I can suggest a company called Cragrats (www.cragrats.co.uk; contact Claire Awty) who are very experienced in delivering very innovative training within these sectors. You may also want to consider a blended approach which includes both online and classroom based training. In this way you can implement innovative pre- and post-learning, assessments and fun elements to support and enhance classroom training. With the online elements you are not taking people away from their desks for extended periods therefore reducing impact on the business and you also have the resources ready to use again in the future.
For information on innovative e-learning and blended learning solutions I can provide you with details of the services my company provide. Please contact me should you need any more information.
Graham Turner
0191 2263505
why training?
I will be burned at the stake for this heresy, but if you want innovative why go for “training”?
You are looking for “learning”; there are many ways people can learn without being trained….as a company I’m sure that, if you ditched the idea of “training” as the only solution, you could come up with lots of ways for people to be engaged in learning that costs less, takes less downtime, is more challenging and gets more buy-in than sending people on a training course.
Call me if you want to chat about this, my number is on my profile
Go into their world
Hi, Hope all is going well on innovative training. Bosses always seem to want something new-only problem we have to create it. I am currently working on a concept where instead of training process orientated people in soft skills I transfer soft skills thinking into their world. For example viewing people as a process. If you wish to pursue this concept please contact me; 0790 387 1199 petemconie@aol.co.uk
Good luck
innovative training
Hi Rachael,
The first question which comes to mind on reading your posting is why, what is behind the request you have for innovation in the training, what is the real need? So rather than just plugging in something which is unusual and different, hoping it will solve a problem, do you know what the problem is?
Are your junior and mid managers dull, asleep, do they need waking up; are their roles lacking inspiration and opportunity, or do they lack motivation and inspiration themselves? Is the current approach to training boring them?
There are many novel approaches which could be incorporated into a customised programme, but maybe a bit of creative thinking first, based on what is really needed for the managers, for the company, and for the relationships between them would be productive. Happy to explore further.
Good wishes,