Can anyone give me a steer on teh average number of days training away from production in the engineering and manfuacturing industries. I have heard of between 2/3 for a largely semi-skilled workforce to 6/7 for a largely graduate workforce.
I have also heard of similar themes in terms of cost per person per annum.- Ie semi – skilled £400 to graduate qualified £1000
Any thoughts experiences will be much appreciated
andy phillimore
I have also heard of similar themes in terms of cost per person per annum.- Ie semi - skilled £400 to graduate qualified £1000
Any thoughts experiences will be much appreciated
andy phillimore
4 Responses
Not as much as should be
I worked for 25 years in an electronic engineering environment. There was one year when the total expenditure was £1500! On average I would say, between 2 and 5 days per annum with graduates having more than this has been the norm in the companies with which I worked.
I have however seen a trend to better identifying training needs at appraisals. This iincreases the amount of training, but tends to result in a panic as the aggregate need far exceeds the budget.
National Statistics publication
If you haven’t already tried it, you can access information about training statistics in the manufacturing sector from the DfES/National Statistics publication ‘Education and Training Statistics for the United Kingdom 2002’. Unfortunately, it doesn’t list engineering as a separate sector but it does provide an extensive breakdown of training statistics including figures for various occupational groups.
It’s available online at:
Jeffrey Brooks
Institute of Training and Occupational Learning
We aim at 5 days
We aim for 5 days training per year, with a split of 4 days internal/e-learing and one day external training. Training is recorded and is part of the appraisal process for staff and managers.
Manufacturing Training
You might like to visit the website run by the DTI.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the address.
It concerns ‘Performance Indices’ and so may be under Benchmarking.
There is acomparison of training days for existing and separately new employees.