Does anyone know of any courses that are offered regarding raising my awareness when training candidtaes with disabilities ?
Although I have not had to do this yet I would really like to put myself in a position where i am aware of the needs of individuals and how best to approach their training/coaching.
I realise the phrase “disabilities” may be interpreted by some as non PC and i should use prhases such as “ability impared” but i’m sure that people understand where I am coming from.
I’m after a course that would cover issues such as hearing impared candidates, dyslexic candidates or any other imparement that would require prior knowledge on how best to deliver their training.
Paul Jervis
Although I have not had to do this yet I would really like to put myself in a position where i am aware of the needs of individuals and how best to approach their training/coaching.
I realise the phrase "disabilities" may be interpreted by some as non PC and i should use prhases such as "ability impared" but i'm sure that people understand where I am coming from.
I'm after a course that would cover issues such as hearing impared candidates, dyslexic candidates or any other imparement that would require prior knowledge on how best to deliver their training.
Paul Jervis
8 Responses
Possible idea …
Hi Paul, have you tried contacting any relevant charities? They might not offer a course but I’m pretty sure they’d be glad to offer suggestions. 🙂
Disability Issues
Nothing wrong with your terminology!
We have some free resources and provide training too
Visit our website for more information
to Z -One Stop Training Shop!
Visit our website for details of all our services including our:-
Showcase equality law and diversity issues training courses
and many others,plus
Free monthly newsletter by e mail
12 month after care service
Lots of free resources and advice
Try contacting Jeni Price –
She attended one of our courses a while ago and I do remember her working in this area.
Oddball Training
I do not know of a particular course open to the public but you could ask the question of your local Red Cross. They do a course for their own volunteer trainers to deliver their “Inclusive First Aid” course to people with a range of disabilities.
Other things you could consider are having handouts in a 24 point typeface or on USB sticks as .pdf files, try moving away from powerpoint with text to lots of graphics / colours. Use lots of exercises in training will also help. If you have a beard or moustache people with hearing impairments of all types will find it more difficult to understand you as they will alll lip read to some extent (often without realising it!). If you spot someone with a hearing aid just remember where they are and try not to turn your back / profile to them. If they do lipread they will often seat so that they have an uninterupped view of you. These preparations will mean that you do not necessarily need to have any pre knowledge of their conditionm but can still ease their way without affecting otheres in the group.
If you have someone with this condition it is important to take them one step at a time and let them know at the begiining of each session exactly what their task is for that day. In severe cases this may be a simple instruction to stay calm when they hit a snag.
Creating the right atmosphere
Some people with disabilities have depressive personalities too. I found that playing music in the background helped them – but if you have someone with a hearing impairment this could be a problem for them.
Using music I was able to get students who were classified as “incapabable of taking exams” to not only sit exams up to Level 2 but also to get distinctions.
Training and DDA
Kate Chambers Associates are excellent at this,
All the best,
A big thank you to everyone who has replied. There are some really good points here that i shall be following up on.