How do you effectively train product and service to circa 6,000 retail shop staff?
How do you effectively train product and service to circa 6,000 retail shop staff?
How do you effectively train product and service to circa 6,000 retail shop staff?
How do you effectively train product and service to circa 6,000 retail shop staff?
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5 Responses
Good Question
What we do is lots of elearning, however we are not sure if this works all the time.
Sometimes we get everyone out of the shops
two different things?
Hi Dom
Surely product is mostly "knowledge" whilst service is predominantly "skill".
The former can be realistically achieved through elearning (though if the product material changes frequently this can be a bit slow to update), document distribution, cascade (through managers or ‘champions’/’in store coaches’, podcasts/vidcasts, texts and teleconference/webconference.
The latter can be supported by these methods but will be more likely to be succesful if managed on an experiential and face to face methodology using coach observers, mystery shopper feedback, role play sessions and discussions. Thes can be done ‘on-the-job’ or in bite sized chunks by store or area trainers.
I hope this helps
Rus Slater
Cascade it
Having worked in retail environments, cascading is the usually the best option. You acn’t afford to take everyone out at once and close shops, but you need to get people up to speed at approx the same time. Running courses in local clusters where each store sends people every day over a one or two week period. This way, training is more likely to be transferred as everyone will have the same things fresh in their minds.
You can always train trainers internally or use external people who have taken the time to get to know your buisness. However, it is VITAL that everyone recieves the same training – the same key messages, same examples etc, so if you do use multiple trainers please invest in proper training design to ensure consistency.
I agree with Rus’s suggestion about tackling product knowledge in other ways. e-learning or traditional distance learning should work well, but it will need to be closely managed. Another way is to run bite size seminars, which can also work well and limit disruption to the stores.
Sheridan Webb
Keystone Development – Specialists in training design
The training of the 6000
First; find a large hill, a basket…
If that doesn’t work the there’s nothing for it but groups of a half day at a time a few actors a few generic scenarios and a few live ones from the audience.
Service Training…
It must have been a post-midnight answer I gave above re the training of the 6000… so I apologise. Let me expand a little on my previously obtuse answer.
My interest is in helping people 'consciously create the impact they choose', because 'miscommunication is the norm', (something I learned from some former colleagues, and worth repeating to everyone almost every day)
The ability to consciously create your impact is never more important than when trying to build relationships either 121 of 12 many, both internally and externally.
In my opinion, the most cost effective and sustainable way to evolve large numbers of people in the area of service skills is to use the power of story telling and interactive drama.
By working with an audience and illiciting real-time scenarios from them, re-creating those experiences in the moment with highly skilled improvisational actors, directed by an expert facilitator, it's possible to hit the audience in the heart and gut and make them 'feel'; something about what they've witnessed. In my experience feelings last a lot longer in the memory than wordy powerpointed theories about customer service.
Of course, the most effective way to evolve these skills in individuals is to work with 'champions' in small groups and have them go back into the organisation displaying the behaviours you want to contage others with.
Also you should consider giving the champions the skills to train/develop. mentor their colleagues.
I would offer that the way to motivate people is to embed the AMP philosophy into every layer of the business. People are influenced and motivated by giving them:
Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose, as espoused by Dan Pink.(look him up on wikipedia and TED talks)