I would welcome leads or contacts to enable me to chose a part-time/distance learning training & development related post-graduate/post-diploma course of study.
I know of & have details on Leicester University’s CLMS MSc s, and Roffey Park’s MSc in Management Development.
Anybody know of some other’s that I could follow up on?
Thanking you in anticipation
Paul Wadsworth
Paul Wadsworth
I know of & have details on Leicester University's CLMS MSc s, and Roffey Park's MSc in Management Development.
Anybody know of some other's that I could follow up on?
Thanking you in anticipation
Paul Wadsworth
Paul Wadsworth
5 Responses
University of Cental England, Westbourne Road, Birmingham site runs an MA programme. Contact Bob Bates.
Post Graduate Studies at Lancaster University
I have found a good MSc/diploma distance learning course in Advanced Learning Technology.Alternatively you can take individual modules. The web address is http://csalt.lancs.ac.uk/alt/.Good Luck!
Sue Curtis
MA Learning and Change in Organisations
University West of England provides an excellent part-time MA in Learning and Change in Organisations. Its a 2 year course and aimed at people who would not be able to attend weekly. Contact Phil Kirk on 0117 865 6261
Univeristy of Wales, Bangor – Centre for Learning & Development
The University of Wales, Bangor is currently in the process of designing a Masters programme focussing on training and development which we hope will be of interest to active practitioners and policy makers. Contact Romy Lawson at the Centre for Learning Development (sds01b@bangor.ac.uk) for further details.
Leeds MU
I am currently undertaking a Professional Training and Development Degree at Leeds Metropolitan University. They offer BA(Hons) and Masters in the same subject area. it consists of 4 block weeks of study over an 18-24 month period to suit your study time.
tel.no. 0113 283 6779 and speak to Liz Beasley.