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Training evaluation courses


As part of my role as L&D Manager I'm going to be required to carry out evaluation on a number of keep training interventions we are planning. I'm looking for a course on conducting evaluations deeper than the 'happy sheets', anu suggestions.
Allison Preece

3 Responses

  1. evaluation training
    Hi Allison, some would argue that evaluation is the same as TNA – if you can do that you can evaluate. The only real difference is that with a tna you are looking for the gap – in evalustion you are looking at the diff in performance and what value that has added.

    Evalustion needs to be comensurate with the development – for example there is no point spending 3 days evaluating a 1 day course – equally an organisation wide development programme involving 100+ days of delivery demands a bit more than 1 day’s worth of effort!

    Read anything by Leslie Rae or
    Martin Schmalenbach ( or via

    You may also find this of value:

    Most ‘whole’ train the trainer programmes, like the CIPD CTP programme includes evaluation. I knoew that Martin does occasionally run talks & workshops – probably the best option if you can.


  2. Evaluation Workshop
    I went on a course this year,”Evaluation and Return on Investment” run by Training Journal with Paul Kearns, which I found excellent at revitalising and my existing ideas on evaluation. As Mike says, the CTP does cover evaluation, but what I got out of the course was the motivation and focus to actually apply the theory and show the business what return we are providing.

    Their website carries more information – it was reasonably expensive but was very worthwhile.


  3. Evaluation beyond the Happy Sheet
    Mike Morrison suggested ‘read anything by Leslie Rae’. Being self-opionionated can I receommend my book on evaluation that not only goes beyond the Happy Sheet, but also ask ‘Why have Happy Sheets?’. The book I recommend is ‘Assessing the Value of your Training: The evaluation process from Training Needs to the Report to the Board’, Leslie Rae, Gower,2002.
    This is the book I would read if I wanted to know what you want to know!!!