Hi - I am training a group of leaders in MBTI and wanted to split them all in to their types (last 2 letters only) to do an exercise. The problem is that they are all TJ's!! Now what can I do to get them to explore the type differences when they arent differnt!!

4 Responses
Make it “real”
Hi Vicki
Straight off the top of my head, how about writing scripts for one person in each pair (A) so that they can emulate a particular type?
You could give them a word-for-word script, or a list of important characteristics for them to extrapolate from (if they’re at least fairly creative).
The exercise would be to get the role player to achieve a specific goal.
B “plays themself.”
In the second part of the exercise B takes on another type (i.e. NOT the same type that A role played) and is given a different goal to achieve. A now plays him or herself.
This has the advantage of getting the trainees to both experience “being” a different type, and of working with someone of a different type – albeit on a limited scale.
If you’re not sure how creative the trainees are, maybe you could give them the character details and goal first, and then provide an outline script for anyone who doesn’t feel able to work from the character sheet alone.
Hope this is of use
A couple of suggestions
Presumably you only have their reported type so they may self-assess differently – especially on the J/P dichotomy.
Given that we use both preferences it might be worth – as Andrew says – working with their opposite preference.
You could spilt the group into two and ask one group to be J and one P. Then the J’s have to present a case for why plans and planning are very important and the P’s present the opposite.
The T & F dichotomy plays an important part in differences in feedback needs so they could explore that. Also, you could set up a debate on where one grouop argues from a purely logical and analytical point of view and the other from a values and relationships point of view – perhaps something related to your business eg. downsizing, a takeover etc.
If you find you have some TPs in the room you could set up a debate (anything at all that’s fun eg more bank holidays). TPs like to keep their options open and play devils advocate so they could be given a secret brief to ensure that the discussion doesn’t end with a decision. TJ’s like closure so they could be given a brief that they must get a decision. You can use this to explore conflict.
Happy to talk through.
Dear Vicki
in a similar situation we designed some particular tasks they had to accomplish. These tasks were developped to particularly suit the type that the group did not have amongst them.
The idea was to recreate the feelings (frustration etc) the opposite personality type would experience if the versatility rate remained unchanged.
We had as well a group that was analytical and quite autonomous. So we gave them a project involving fabrics and creative concepts to be developped as a group. The outcome was that they felt how an opposite personality type would experience a purely analitical approach.
Best regards
Thanks to you all – I’ve got some good ideas now – much appreciated!