I am currently in the progress of submitting a proposal forward to the business for a training facility. which would be in a new acquired premises. I am wanting any advice or suggestions to support my submission and what costs this would invovle. As i know that the business is going to look at Return on Investment.
Any help or suggestions would be great
stephen laverick
I am currently in the progress of submitting a proposal forward to the business for a training facility. which would be in a new acquired premises. I am wanting any advice or suggestions to support my submission and what costs this would invovle. As i know that the business is going to look at Return on Investment.
Any help or suggestions would be great
stephen laverick
3 Responses
Training Costs!
er…good luck is my first reaction, I’ve done this a couple of time for multi million pound facilities and it can hurt! 🙂
There is so much you will need, if you have experience of doing this before it won’t be too bad…if you are completely new, get a consultant to help you, they will save you pounds!
You will needs a base specification for the building infrastructure, this will need to include room layout, IT support, facilities (toilets, catering etc), phone system, network capability etc. You will also need to look at tables and chairs and some storage space.
You will also need a spec to cover training delivery equipment (projection equip, IT, display screens, flip chart rails, whiteboards etc).
Then there’s the facilities management support to look after the building (maintenance, air conditioning etc) reception, client services etc.
You will need to carry out an investment appraisal on all options and you will need at least four options to choose from (including do nothing).
What else…some Life Cycle Cost data (cost of ownership analysis)and long term support strategy.
Then you start to get down to the nitty gritty…admin facilities, no. of training rooms, no of syndicate rooms, student relaxation areas, break out areas, trainers back office, development facilities, first aid and all the H&S compliance for those.
And there is still a whole lot to consider!
Start off with the type and frequency of training you provide, estimate the annual throughput of students and look atdelivery methods. You need to build in as much flexibility to the building as possible, or your trainers will curse your ‘incompetence’! Canvass closely the thoughts of the trainers who will work there and get them to help write the specs.
When you’ve done all that you can think about the tender…suggest you re-post that if you need further help!
But I would say again, if you feel competent to do all the above…great…if not…get help!
Very best of luck!
Training facilities: rooms, colours and equipment
This has come up before. Take a look at:
Best of luck
Look wider than training for business benefit
As well as looking at the value add from a training perspective try to look at the purchase from a business perspective.
Can the space be used for board meetings or sales meetings/ events?
can it host video conferencing? is there income generation possibilities if needed?
ask around the business for non-training application of the space – if they can see an advantage for them they will back your proposal
good luck
Mike Morrison