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Training for 50 managers on cross functional working



We are delivering a second management conference. Our first was delivered nearly 6 months ago and focussed more on formal presentations being delivered from the senior team. This time we want to have a more interactive event, with a focus on the objectives for our site and cross functional teams. Has anyone got some good ice-breakers for large groups, and exercises designed to encourage cross functional working?

Many thanks

2 Responses

  1. Insight
    Not so much an ice breaker but a great day event to cover what you’re looking to achieve might be Inisghts . Its team working focussed and based on the Belbin/Myers Briggs working preferences / personality type excerises. I’ve used it in house and with client with management teams and whole company alike

  2. Values exercise
    Hi Ash

    If the organisation has very clear aims and objectives – perhaps communicated through a mission, values and/or vision statement – then you have a good starting point.

    This is a fairly standard exercise but it usually works well. It can help to strengthen cross-functional awareness and identify areas of misunderstanding/miscommunication.

    Divide them into groups with a flipchart each.

    Ask them to brainstorm the current behaviours that support the organisation’s objectives, and then the behaviours that contradict or undermine the organisation’s objectives. They could consider this from various perspectives – organisational, departmental and individual.

    Review their findings, and create a summary of the key themes/issues between the different perspectives. I would aim for an overall list of 10 -12 supportive behaviours and similar for the contradictory behaviours – but really depends on the group and the time available. This can also reveal differing and conflicting needs which may not fit neatly under the suggested headings. I would allow a bit of latitude and have a section for the ‘uncertain’ behaviours.

    Divide them into groups again (preferably different from the first part of the exercise) and ask them to brainstorm ways in which the positive behaviours can be encouraged/nurtured and the contradictory behaviours can be addressed/removed.

    Take back their findings and get agreement on who has responsibility for any actions they have identified and what they will do as a result of their discussions.

    You could use almost any aspect of the organisation’s work as the focus for this exercise. The value is that they work together discussing the one thing they (should) have in common.

    Hope this is a help
