Can anyone recommend a website/supplier that provides training games for large groups. I've used Northgate a few times but can't seem to find anything simliar. Any suggestions be appriecated.
Many Thanks
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Can anyone recommend a website/supplier that provides training games for large groups. I've used Northgate a few times but can't seem to find anything simliar. Any suggestions be appriecated.
Many Thanks
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9 Responses
Hi Adam
My suggestion would be that if the participents are over 14 years old don’t play games.
to achieve WHAT?
As with any planned learning activity the big question is "What is it that you want to achieve?" I’ve seen brilliant large group activities that created fantastic outcomes in 25 minutes……..and I’ve seen trainers die the death of a thousand cutting comments because they set up an activity that had no clearly defined benefit to the delegates present.
Forcing yourself into the process of defining the objective and then planning an activity to achieve it will help to avoid the egg-on-face that might result from buying an off-the-shelf activity without really questioning whether it will suit your delegates’ needs.
Sorry to be so negative!
Heres a "Game" from a best selling book on the subject…No I am not making this up, it’s on my desk!
"Everyone stands back to back in a circle. One person makes a noise and sustains the noise until another person takes focus by starting a new noise"
This is presumably to "Energise" and "Focus" our minds? I would be on the train home before the first paaaaaarp had finished!
Training Games…
Steve- 14 year olds, really? Maybe its my explanation that led to those comments but ‘I’m not referring to people making animal noises in a circle’. Have a look at the Northgate website, I was looking for these type of "games"
Thanks for your feedback
Hi Adam
I know what these companies do, there are literlally hundreds of them.
The problem is in the terminology, the motivation and reason behind the activity.
Russ is 100% spot on in that you should look at the outcome you want to achieve and then look at the process you will use to achieve it.
It could be an activity or any number of things but it most certainly won’t be a "Game" and it will not have the intention of having "Fun"
Its always best to start and the back and work towards the front…ie Outcome first…Solution second.
Good luck
Thanks both!
Hello Adam, these are a couple of providers whose equipment we have at the EEF and use to great effect with a number of our clients.
The web sites are:
Hope it helps and you get great results.
Activities website
Here’s a website I’ve found a few games and activities on:
And I agree, pointless or embarrassing games are obviously a detriment to training, but if games and activities are used correctly they can add to the learning experience.
Training Games
Hi Adam
Not sure if this will help but if you go to the freebies page of our website there are some free resources around scenarios that need resolution/negotiation -various roles are assigned.The scenarios have been used in
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