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Training how to coach


Hi, I need to train a group of 10 line managers how to coach, I have already covered what coaching is in comparison to training but am finding it very difficult in putting something together on how to coach effectively. Any advice at all that can be offered would be greatly received.
Paula Rooney

6 Responses

  1. Coaching
    Hi Paula,

    happy to share details of our resources that we use on our coaching courses and to explain the experiential exercises we use to help embed the learning.

    Drop me a line for more details – or visit our site



  2. Coaching in practice
    Hi Paula,

    Similar to the previous comments, the company I work for had no formalised coaching process. Since coming on board I have started running courses to develop the skills so that managers can successfully go away and coach. There is one course up and running and am writing the senior managers course as we speak. Both accreditted through ILM. Please get in touch and will happily spend time chatting with you and answering your questions.

    I am passionate about coaching and soak anything up about it so that I can bring it to my delegates. Would be delighted to share this with you.

    Kind regards,

    Nick Howell

  3. coaching
    I’m sure you’ve got plenty here, Paula.
    I would only add that there is sometimes quite a barrier, almost an emotional one, to get over with some managers in getting the idea of coaching as a personal ongoing interaction. I’ve found it useful to start small, and model coaching with them, by “coaching them to coach.”

    Set a time, and sit with the manager and use a coaching model or a good set of coaching questions, with them about their way of coaching their staff. If they have an experience ‘from the inside’ of being coached, and feel the value, then they’ll be much more confident about passing the style on to their direct reports.

  4. Carrots are useful!
    Our experience in running such events for organisations as diverse as the MOD and pharmacuetical companies is that dangling the carrot of a qualification is a very good idea. So, as already mentioned, getting ILM accredited – eg at their Level 3 or 4 is motivating. If you contact the ILM they have an excellent syllabus and this could help you devise your course, whether or not you go for the qulification.
    On any event you run it’s essential to give people practice in both coaching and being coached: you can’t beat learning by experience where coaching is concerned, otherwise it’s just words and just like we all think we’re excellent drivers/have GSOH, so many people believe, wrongly, that they are already wonderful coaches. Feel free to contact me to discuss how we design our own programmes.
    To teach coaching, you really do have to be an excellent coach yourself. Have you been trained?
    All the best

  5. What do you need?
    Hi Paula,

    I teach on the Oxford Brookes MA programme and run short courses especially in the education sector. There’s masses of material out there and lots of techniques that are really well described in some of the literature.

    But I’m not sure what aspect it is you feel stuck with. Is it getting material, getting it together in the right combination, or knowing what will unlock the delegates (eg why should they?)

    I did a session with a very a professional group whose needs were surprisingly diverse. The key was to allow them to explore those needs and relate some of the ‘obvious’ material to the specific problems they had to solve. The most significant outcome was that they each went away comfortable with their own picture of what they needed to do when called upon to “coach”.

    So the first question (to you, and maybe to your clients) is what do you need?

    Do contact me if you want to explore this further.


  6. Coaching is Easy
    Helping people learn how to coach is extremely simple, I’ve been doing it for over 20 years and can talk you through how to experientially help people learn how to coach, without actulally mentioning the word coaching ! If your interested please call me on 07702 433284.