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Alice Ma

Fortune Pharmacal Co. Ltd.

Organization and People Development Manager

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Training Ideas for Company Behaviors Building


I’m preparing a presentation to the Board of Directors next week and this is part of the job interview for the OD role which is my career aspiration.  I’m looking for some ideas that help people to embrace the company’s core behavior on:

– understanding cutomer’s needs and aspirations

– agility in adapting to customer’s needs and environment

– clarity in communicating with customers

– teamwork in enhancing great customer experience

I need to prepare for two different groups of people: managers, and non-managers. Moreover, I’m thinking of using defined behaviors to form a questionnaire to evaluate how effective people display such behaviors at work.  If you have better ideas in evaluation on these behaviors, I’d appreciate your kind sharing with me.

I’m now competing with time and thank you a lot in your help.


I'm preparing a presentation to the Board of Directors next week and this is part of the job interview for the OD role which is my career aspiration.  I'm looking for some ideas that help people to embrace the company's core behavior on:

- understanding cutomer's needs and aspirations

- agility in adapting to customer's needs and environment

- clarity in communicating with customers

- teamwork in enhancing great customer experience

I need to prepare for two different groups of people: managers, and non-managers. Moreover, I'm thinking of using defined behaviors to form a questionnaire to evaluate how effective people display such behaviors at work.  If you have better ideas in evaluation on these behaviors, I'd appreciate your kind sharing with me.

I'm now competing with time and thank you a lot in your help.


4 Responses

  1. Presentation

     I’ve just seen your post and if you’ve already delivered your presentation I hope it went well.  Looking at your core behaviours I do recognise an experiential exercise, that reflects those key learning points.  Its called ‘Minefield’, if you would like a brief and debrief sheet, please let me know and I’ll find it for you.



  2. Training Ideas for Company Behaviors Building

    I’ve not presented yet but thanks very much for your suggestion.  I’ve just researched the training brief of this activity and got it from the internet.  This is a good one for demonstrating the behavior of clarity and teamwork.  Thank you very much for your kind assistance.



  3. Board Presentation

    A challenge with presentations like this is to make them really relevant to your audience.  You need to lift the words from the page into behaviours and actions that are meaningful for people. 

    I would look to facilitate a discussion with your audience around what the words mean to them and then what actions they do/will take so that your customers see the benefits of what you want to achieve. 

    Let’s be honest, many organisations use words like your company does, but how many customers feel they really benefit from great service?  You should have some good stories of your own experiences to share too, as stories are a great way of bringing words and phrases alive.

    Good luck





  4. behaviours?


    Given the four areas you mention it would be useful to explore tha fact that there are no specific behaviours given with them.  Therefore perhaps it would be worthwhile starting with a visioning exercise or a value chain analysis.  By this I mean that you could divide the group into four and ask them to a) describe what front line staff would be doing specifically in each area for the organisation to fulfil its strategy – they should be specific.  It may mean breaking these down somewhat as well.  Then choose the top 3 essential behaviours – i.e. what do we HAVE to get right.  You may also sugggest that the organisation asks its customers what they are as well.  To evaluate this then I suggest going to the recipient of these behaviours and asking them.  b) the value chain analysis would then work back from the front line staff to analyse how each funtion and hierarchical level contributes to these top three behaviours that create value in the minds of the customer e.g. what does a manager need to ‘do’ for a front line person to i) know how they should behave ii) be able to behave in these ways iii) want to behave in these ways.   This would then follow up the hierarchy – e.g. how do senior managers need to manage their managers etc.  To evaluate this a 360 feedback exercise (180 or 360) would evaluate this in these key areas e.g. ask front line staff to what extent managers behave in the identified way or how they should behave. 

    My rationale for suggesting this is based on the desire to align all behaviours at all levels with the implementation of the strategy; that it would engage all employees in the process; demonstrate that all are being evaluated and open to change; and finally would address the issue that the four areas you mention are vague and include no specific behaviours but are rather attributes.

    Good luck

