Sorry to bother you all. I am wanting to perform a TNA across the company and thought there might be some kind folk out there who has a template. Thought this is worth a try as don’t want to re invent the wheel. I want this TNA to be performed across the all departments of the business.
Thank you very much
stephen laverick
Sorry to bother you all. I am wanting to perform a TNA across the company and thought there might be some kind folk out there who has a template. Thought this is worth a try as don't want to re invent the wheel. I want this TNA to be performed across the all departments of the business.
Thank you very much
stephen laverick
5 Responses
Hi Stephen
I have this on my free resources webpage, E-mail me and I’ll send it to you
TNA templates
Hi Stephen
Are you looking at a generic template for all to complete or are you looking at a range of templates for different parts of the organisation (i.e. senior managers, professionals, semi-skilled etc?).
Who are you expecting to complete or to use the template – Training specialists, Line Managers or individual employees?
While using one template is easy to interpret it makes the education task more difficult.
There are many books which contain useful TNA templates and these include:
Identifying Training Needs – Gray
The trainers desk reference – Moss
The skills of training – Rae
Gower handbook of T&D
The managers book of checklists – Rowntree
Alternative information is available at http://www.businessballs.com
I have a range of TNA forms and a guide to TNA available on my website or are also available to download at trainerbase.
When conducting an organisational wide TNA it is important to consider HOW you will manage the data you get back. Whatever form you use please consider how you will interpret this and how long it will take.
In addition one common mistake made when completing TNA’s is to manage staff expectations – often because they have seen a training need put on a form they believe they will get training, and to them training means attending a course!
I have use web or intranet based TNA processes in the past which are very effective and can be deployed quickly (the data interpretation can be quick too!)
Ideas re Training Needs Analysis
For a quick guide to Training Needs Analysis, take a look at:
For other articles and practical approaches to TNA and training evaluation, take a look at:
Good luck
Thank you
Thank you for everyone who has replied to my post this morning. You have all being a great help and saved me some valuable time ( whcih we all deserve!)
TNA tools
Hi Stephen
You may want to look at the free trainer resources on http://www.abctrainingsolutions.biz/page14.html, under the section ‘Training Needs Analysis and Evaluation Tools’
Best of luck with your project.
Happy Days!