I need to assess the IT training needs of about 5 employees per restaurant in a multi site (25) company. These employees may have some PC skills but may be complete beginners. A Computer based skills analysis may assume some level of IT competence which I cannot bank on. Is a paper based analysis the best way of approaching this? If so how do you ensure full compliance?
I appreciate any suggestions…
karen ottey
I appreciate any suggestions...
karen ottey
4 Responses
I can help
I was responsible for this function in a former life, I agree with the problem that PC based assessments assume a level of IT competence. I have a number of basic paper forms that I used to use for MS etc. If you email me I will forward them to you. Not sure what you mean about ensuring full compliance?
There are really two camps in this problem though. If the person knows nothing, this is soon established and the need is intro training onwards. If there exists a basic level of knowledge already then a PC based system can be used. For someone who has some knoweldge, a paper based system is open to interpretation by the individual in assessing their own ability, possibly leading to inflated views of competence. If you have the luxury then a combined two stage process if best – there are plenty of cheap packages on the market Qwiz is good and cheap.
Do you know the skills, competencies or behaviours which are required of these people? If you do, you have the beginning of a process which you can adapt to a paper based system.
1. First draw up your competence list, what these people need know, do or be aware of.
2. Develop ‘indicator’ questions for each of these areas which test their understanding or awareness of these issues. Examples:
What is a ‘cell’ in a spreadsheet? Briefly describe:
What is WYSIWYG?
What is the difference between a floppy disc and a hard disc?
Using the computer you find that everything you type is in capitals. What the most obvious thing that might be wrong?
3. Analysis of the responses should indicate whether you are dealing with complete novices, people with partial understanding or out and out computer Nerds who build their own machines!
Hi Karen,
In order to address your question fully, further information is required:
1. What is the Course Objective?
2. What skill level/expected output are you aiming for?
3. Can the company provide you with existing skill/competence info?
4. Does the company have skill/competence guidelines?
To ensure compliance to the paper analysis, I should place responsibility for returns on line managers, clearly stating the importance of accurate and timely returns. I would also suggest, if practicable, to perform a face-to-face evaluation with a cross section of employees, to back up the paper analysis.
For further information regarding questionnaires, you might like to look at ‘Designers Edge’ software. Alternatively, use the search facility within Trainingzone for ‘TNA’.
If I can be of any further assistance, drop me an e-mail at:
This may not be directly helpful, but – here’s is a master list of books on ITN.
Bartram, Sharon and Gibson, Brenda. – Training Needs Analysis (2nd edition). – Gower, – 1997
Bee, Frances and Roland. – Training Needs Analysis and Evaluation. – IPM, – 1994
Bolton – Assessment & Development in Europe – McGraw-Hill – (1995) – 0-07-707928-0
Boydell,Tom and Leary, Malcolm. – Identifying Training Needs. – IPD, – 1996
Churchouse, Jane. – Advancing Trainer Skills. – Echelon, – 1999. (A self-study product that includes, TNA, evaluation, preparing and delivering training, for NVQ Level 4 T & D)
Craig, Malcolm. – Analysing Learning Needs. – Gower, – 1994
Fransella & Bannister – Manual for Repertory Grid Technique – Academic Press – (1977) – 0 12 265456 0
Mager & Pipe – Analyzing Performance Problems – David S. Lake – (1984) – 0-8224-4336-8
Mills, Pace & Peterson – Analysis in Human Resource Training & Organisational Development – Addison-Wesley – (1988)- 0-201-09224-7
Peterson, Robyn. – Training Needs Assessment, 2nd Edition. – Kogan Page, – 1998
Rae, Leslie. – Planning and Designing Training Programmes. – Gower, 1997
Reay, David G. – Identifying Training Needs. – Kogan Page, – 1994.
Williams, Beverley. – Learning Needs Analysis: 17 activities for trainers and managers. – Fenman, – 1999
Swanson -Analysis for Improving Performance – BK – (1994) – 1-881052-48-6
Westgaard – Tests that Work – Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer – (1999) – 0-7879-4596-X