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Training needs analysis


I am interested in hearing from anyone who has experience of doing a TNA in an organisation going through significant change. Are there any obvious places (though clearly not obvious to me!!) places to look and issues that might arise??
Andy Phillimore

8 Responses

  1. Useful Web Sites

    Here are also a few web sites connected with ITN which might prove useful and time saving:
    A general overview of the process with ideas and suggestions
    A very brief and very basic intro to the subject.
    Apparently a free web based system for ITN.
    A fantastically detailed web site focussing on repertory grid interviews which can be highly productive in determining training needs. There’s a section explaining this.
    A case study of how an ITN was undertaken for Mid Wives and Health Visitors. Fascinating and informative as a ‘how to’ case study.
    A downloadable TNA questionnaire from the Herriot Watt University up in Scotland. A great starting point for anyone want to develop their own.
    A great gateway portal to loads of useful material on ITN. Super.
    An interesting site with quite a few links to methods and systems. A good source.
    An excellent overview with some detail of the process if TNA/ITN.
    Not a great deal of info, but a gateway to other data.
    An excellent article which describes processes and some of the pitfalls.
    A bizarre page which makes an allegory of menus and ITN/TNA.
    A page on job analysis.
    An article on needs analysis and the internet.

  2. start at the top
    It really is so obvious, but often forgotten, to start with the business plan. If you normally do not have access to it, it adds to your cred enormously if you ask about it – and don’t be put off by those who cannot see the relevance of it to a “humble” trainer . Only after you are clear about what your organisation is trying to achieve in its new suit (what it wants to look and feel like), will you be able effectively to apply the tools that exist in abundance.

  3. TNA in Changing Times
    Biggest risk in conducting TNA in a changing environment is the impact it can have on staff. If change involves job cuts, as it often does, people will undoubtedly feel unsettled and nervous. It’s very easy for a TNA to be mis-interpreted as a tool to identify “leavers”, and the result will be distorted. If people see the TNA as a tool to identify weakness, they are unlikely to declare any genuine needs, and the exercise becomes pointless. The best way I’d suggest to avoid it in my experience is to over-communicate what you’re doing, what it’s intended to achieve and keep people updated on how it’s going. I have plenty of other thoughts, but I’ll leave it there for now – feel free to make contact if you have any other questions.
    Bruce M.

  4. large-scale TNA’s
    Andy, we have recently completed 2 TNA’s for public service orgs with 13,500 and 6500 multi-disciplinary staff going through organisational change and specifically the intro. of IT. I thoroughly endorse the comments from the other contributors. If you want to have more details about approach, tools used etc, contact me direct.

  5. TNA s
    We have experience of doing TNAs in organisations going through significant change.

    Please contact me for further details.

  6. A good place to start is the reason for the change
    Hi Andy,

    if your organisation is going through a change, someone high-up must have decided on what the organisation should be like in the future, and that that is different from the current reality. Hence the change. If you compare the desired company and the corresponding competencies with the current company and skill set (for example by asking ‘what is it that we have selected recruits on in the recent past’) you should get a pretty good idea of the TNA. If you then add more generic stuff like ‘coping with change’; ‘learning how to use new IT systems’ you are bound to have identified the major elements of a TNA.

    Another reason for the approach above is that most of the target audience will already be bombarded with change messages, be attending change meetings, etc. and have therefore little time or sympathy for yet another survey or analysis (as a traditional TNA would be).

    I have done a number of TNAs in similar circumstances-call me if you’d like to discuss: +44 (0)20-7936 9360


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