Like many Councils, we have developed a new constitution under the modernisation agenda for Local Government. I’ve been asked if I can develop a short session with senior managers, to help them find their way around the document. We’ve usually done this sort of thing through a briefing, but I’d like to make this one a bit more interactive to help them get a real feel for the document (which is huge). Has anyone got any ideas?
Lesley-Anne Bealey
Lesley-Anne Bealey
One Response
Very interesting.When I am not operating as a freelance I operate as a County and City Councillor!
Try these ideas….
a- From a case study get your groups to either design a flow chart for a given situation or (and you will know them best) a board game similar to those constructed many moons ago by the Local Government Chronicle
b- Organise a Mastermind quiz or better still Who wants to be a Constitionaire? with other team members serving as audience,phone a friend or 50-50
c- Try old wine in new bottles and vice versa in which your people (perhaps in teams)compare/contrast old constitution with new
d- Run your training around a Council or Committee meeting with a small group going to observe and reporting back to plenary
Good luck!