Does anyone know of a good guide on how to write a training plan for a commercial organisation i.e. what should be included, or should be involved in writing it etc.
Melanie Hayes
Melanie Hayes
Does anyone know of a good guide on how to write a training plan for a commercial organisation i.e. what should be included, or should be involved in writing it etc.
Melanie Hayes
Melanie Hayes
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
Middle management’s biggest challenge
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4 Responses
Melanie, let me have your contact details and I can send you som
You need to have a training plan which directly links back to the organisation’s business objectives – i.e. training and development objectives which directly support the business plan need to be identified through a needs analysis
Big dogs
I reckon your best bet would be to visit big dogs bowl of bisquits. (A sie maintained by Don Clarke), I have used this and it is fantastic… AND IT’S FREE!!!
Knock em’ alive
Training Plans
Are the companies Aims and Objectives defined and communicated across the company. Are the managers you will be asking for some of their budget ‘switched on’ to the companies Aims and Objectives.
I have used very successfully the IiP criteria as a vehicle to support training and development plans again aligned to the A&O of the company.
Any more info contact me
Best wishes
CMM Level 3 Approach
I have material which I assisted me in gaining Capability Maturity Model (CMM) level 3 accreditation for my company. Please contact me if you wish a copy.