I need a sample of a simple training proposal quite urgently. I have no idea about training proposal. Can anyone help? My email is 445965171@qq.com.. or I can send you an email!!! Many thanks!!!
I need a sample of a simple training proposal quite urgently. I have no idea about training proposal. Can anyone help? My email is 445965171@qq.com.. or I can send you an email!!! Many thanks!!!
3 Responses
Key Headings to include
Hi Julie
I don’t have one to send as they are client-specific. However (assuming you are an external supplier bidding for some work), the topics/areas to include would probably be:
Introduction – a bit about your organisation, why you are the perfect org for this job
Your Requirements (write in here what your understanding is of the training need, what it needs to achieve, where the need came from, background info they have given you and so on)
Our Proposal (this is where you give a broad outline of how you would achieve their objectives – be wary of including too much detailed information here in case they steal your idea and do it themselves!)
Delivery (how the training will be delivered – face to face workshops, blended learning, bite sized sessions. Also include what you will offer by way of follow up support (telecoaching after the event maybe?)
Timescales (how long the project will take to deliver from contract agreement)
Costings (day rate for development and for delivery and for materials (maybe offer to send them handouts etc electronically so they can print them in-house as a way of reducing costs. Trainer expenses (travel, hotel, meals)
I hope this helps – do send a PM if you need anything further.
Training proposal sample
I can send you some examples – email me – emmasueprince@unimenta.com
Sample Training Proposal
Hi Emma – Can you send me a copy of the sample training proposal?