How many years must you keep employees training records after they leave employment? Are there legal requirements surrounding this?
Helen Williams
Helen Williams
How many years must you keep employees training records after they leave employment? Are there legal requirements surrounding this?
Helen Williams
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Retain training records
Hi Helen
…. as always it depends.
For generalist and ‘soft skills’ training there is no requirement to maintain any records beyond employment (unless of course a tribunal is pending).
However it is prudent to maintain records for all under 21 years olds for 3 years, as if they chose to make a civil claim against the company they have up to 3 years from their 21st birthday to do so.
Health and safety training records are a different matter – any training relating to COSHH, risk assessment, radiological and other ‘specialist’ areas need to be retained for 40 years! Records of course content and any test scores should also be maintained.
You would be well advised to talk to your companies insurance provider as to the format they require.