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Training Venues in London


I am looking for a really good venue for some training courses in Central London. If you know of any you really like, (hopefully not too expensive), I'd love to know.
[email protected]

Graeme Kerr

3 Responses

  1. London venue
    I can recommend
    Devonport House
    (King William Walk, Greenwich, London, SE10 9JW
    Tel: 020 8269 5400
    [email protected])
    It is equivilient to a 4 star hotel but unlike hotels is dedicated to training and conferences.

  2. RHR Venues
    You could try the RHR venues. (Retail Human Resources). These are excellent value for money. For more information, drop me an email to [email protected] and I’ll provide contact details etc.

    I am currently using the Methodist International Conference Centre which is virtually next door to Euston Station,being on Euston Street! Residential with a range of rooms and excellent catering.Rates incredibly low and staff extremely well trained and engaging


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