I am trying to locate where I can get a series of sales training videos that featured Griff Rhys Jones and Mel Smith (British comedians from a show called Not the Nine O’Clock News). Any ideas?
I am located in Australia but have contacts globally so the location of where to buy them is not a huge issue – finding them is.
David Stickland
I am located in Australia but have contacts globally so the location of where to buy them is not a huge issue - finding them is.
David Stickland
2 Responses
Contact TFC
Hi, I live in Holland (but am Australian). I often rent videos from a company here, but you can also buy them.
They are a very helpful and reliable company.
TFC – Phone: 31 26 3693 120. or info@tfc.nl or website: http://www.tfc.nl but it may not be in english. Good luck with your search.
So you want to be successful at selling – 4 videos with various actors. Over here they are around £500 each.
See http://www.videoarts.co.uk represented in Australia by Marcus Evans Australia +6129 238 7200 http://www.marcusevans.com
Good hunting