Looking to buy a couple of training videos. Firstly, i need one on Customer Service. i have looked at the seried that the BBC does, but they are not suitable. We are an insurance company and need a video that focuses on customer service for on-going customers. a lot of them focus on giving good service so a company comes back, that isn’t relevant as they are with us for 12 months. also i need a management video for new supervisors that covers as broad a spectrum as possible. i have some video arts ones, but budgets are really limited and they are expensive. would be grateful for any advice on where to look or specific titles anyone could recommend.
Vivienne Holmes
Vivienne Holmes
2 Responses
Training Videos
Having previously worked in the financial and telecoms market I used Fish! and its follow ups to highlight the impact of teambuilding, environment and motivation on call advisors to team leaders and Behaviour Breeds Behaviour for looking at how personal attitude and responses create either excellent or terrible customer service, both to great success. there was also another quite’cheesy’ american video think it was called The Dissapointed Guest, but the call centre staff really took to this and its tools to help deal with the ‘difficult’ customers. If you require any further info please mail me back.
Beyond Video Arts
No based in this country, but three sites with plenty to choose from:
(Excellent preview feature. Requires free registration.)
I’ve ordered directly from these vendors in the past. With NTSC playback, video works fine. Even with customs and shipping, bottom line still worked out in my favour. Your order may vary.
CRM Video Productions also have some worthwhile titles in the subject areas you’ve mentioned. I believe Gower is CRM’s UK vendor.
Don’t forget to try before you buy.
Usual disclaimers apply.
Scott G. Welch