I am looking to team up with existing training organisations working in the field of personal development. We have undertaken extensive training in the USA and have spent time developing the concepts and theories for the UK corporate market.
We have coaching and training events covering the following areas:
Effective Communication Level One
Effective Communication Plus:
Plus Planning/Plus Sales/Plus Customer Service
Leadership in action programmes.
We also use a most advanced diagnostic tool for pre and post training analysis.
Our methodology is robust and will sit well in many fields of training and personal development.
We can particularly compliment any team-building event
Sarah Daley
We have coaching and training events covering the following areas:
Effective Communication Level One
Effective Communication Plus:
Plus Planning/Plus Sales/Plus Customer Service
Leadership in action programmes.
We also use a most advanced diagnostic tool for pre and post training analysis.
Our methodology is robust and will sit well in many fields of training and personal development.
We can particularly compliment any team-building event
Sarah Daley
6 Responses
Arian Associates Ltd
email us with more details, it sounds interesting.
Training affiliates
We would be interested to know more. Please email us on sales@oddball.co.uk
Nicola Dawson
Oddball Training
Business Improvement Solutions
We would be interested in discussing this with you – could you email more details please?
Colin Hamilton
Info please
Please send info to Tony@corporatesurvivors.com
more info
Maybe too late! but please can you send us some details.
Coaching contacts
If you are still exploring this then I’d be interested in talking. Please contact me on 0870 733 3313 or email annabg@lauriate.com
You may also find the Coaching & Mentoring Network at http://www.coachingnetwork.org.uk to be a useful resource / source of professional coaches.