This is a perenial problem isn’t it?
It’s easy enough to have a competency framework but how can you measure improvements in a consistent systematic manner.
Appraisal and performance management are can help but they’re are not an exact science.
In addition how can training be measured so that it’s contribution to improved competency (or otherwise) can be assessed?
Counting the number of days somebody attends training isn’t the answer – that just measure training activity, not learning or behaviour change.
Any ideas? Any pointers?
grahame thompson
It's easy enough to have a competency framework but how can you measure improvements in a consistent systematic manner.
Appraisal and performance management are can help but they're are not an exact science.
In addition how can training be measured so that it's contribution to improved competency (or otherwise) can be assessed?
Counting the number of days somebody attends training isn't the answer - that just measure training activity, not learning or behaviour change.
Any ideas? Any pointers?
grahame thompson
6 Responses
Measuring effectiveness
One way we encourage measurement of training application is to set a task that brings together all aspects of delivery. The task is then submitted at the end of the delviery or shortly after and graded.
This provides a measurement of whether that which was addressed through training has hit the mark.
As the assessments are released to the organisation as well as the individual it has the added value of ensuring commitment to the day or session as there is an end product.
We also make it fun and the task is designed to illustrate any gaps in knowledge which we then revisit on line or using other means.
I hope this helps.
Sue McGaughran
Training by Design Global Ltd
0870 241 3998
Use a 360 degree review and monitor at intervals to show trend
It would be worth considering some form of 360 degree review, including self report and feedback from at least the manager’s manager and 5 or 6 reports. This should focus on observed behaviours over a designated time scale. This would give a hard/objective measure of even the soft skills. The use of a Kirkpatrick model to review behaviours by a skilled interviewer might also be an option. The benefits might need to be teased out!
Useful website
You might want to check out
They might be able to help.
Use of tools and techniques
I have attended and been involved in using Mcbear (check spelling) were questionaires are sent to rep[ortee’s and similar level managers and also senior managers. The questionaires are completed independently input into a PC software package and results indicate ‘ work impact’ / ”working environment created’ / etc etc. But each individual is asked what it is now and what they would wish it to be. Some remarkable differences. Action logs are created to close the ‘gaps’ and progress is monitored over the future on a regular basis. Very short answer to quite an extensive question. Contact me if you require any additional info. and I will ‘dig out ‘ my course notes etc. Best wishes John
Measuring competence
You might be interested in a situational assessment tool called MAP (Managerial Assessment of Proficiency). Managers are assessed against 12 generic competences by responding to a series of questions (200) posed regarding a typical management scenario – eg team meeting, recruitment, handling a disciplinary etc, that they have just watched (video based). Responses then scored via computer (objectivity) and profile produced. Development planned and carried out, re-assessment then measures progress / improvement. Also incorporates an element of 360 feedback, leadership styles assessment, and communication styles assessment. Can be used to benchmark worldwide, uses include recruitment, T&D, succession planning, etc. Rigorously tested and used extensively worldwide. 2 day process which produces profile and personal development plan. Can be used to fast track to IM qualifications as profile counts as APL.
If you are interested in further information drop me a line at and I’ll be happy to discuss further.
use MI
It might be useful to look at your objectives of training and see if they can be linked to the work place by use of figures from management information. i.e. if you have a sales objective collect that data and see if it improves over time, similarly staff turnover figures, training carried out, etc