Can anyone advise of training or support services for employees with dyslexia problems who feel constrained in terms of career progression?
ray Jackson
ray Jackson
Can anyone advise of training or support services for employees with dyslexia problems who feel constrained in terms of career progression?
ray Jackson
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4 Responses
try the Adult Dyslexia Organisation
Their website is or phone them on 0207 737 7646
I agree with the recommendation of The previous person. When I was HR Manager at Boots I contacted the local dyslexia group, not only were they very helpful they provided us with information which helped us as an employer to have a greater understanding of the different types of dyslexia etc.
Software to assist with Dyslexia
I know this is not strictly “training or a support service” but we have an employee who has found working life and prospects much improved by using a software product called ViaVoice. Emails, word processing etc etc – almost any input – can be dictated to the computer and, in turn, the computer can read back to you. Its effectiveness is probably related to the level and type of dyslexia, but it get a vote of confidence from my colleague!
Turning things around
I would like to suggest your organisation looks at the way it manages people development and promotion prospects within the company as well as looking for direct support and ways the employee can help themselves. Often the job the person is doing or applying for can be done in a different way enabling the strengths and skills or the individual to be used to full advantage. This approach can highlight the range of individual skills within any organisation or can open up the recruitment of people from a diverse range of backgrounds, skillls and experience. Far better to reflect the diversity in society as a whole.
Happy to disucss these concepts further if you like.
Good luck in your efforts to explore this area.
Liz McConnell
Tel 020 8399 9312