TrainingZONE always does its best to search out and bring you the news first, but this time it seems we’re well ahead of the pack! Last October we reported on Boxmind, a website launched to provide online lectures from the likes of Richard Dawkins, known for his work on evolution, Niall Ferguson, professor of political and financial history at Oxford and Steven Pinker, the American professor responsible for much work on the brain and cognition. Today’s Guardian and yesterday’s Sunday Times both carry articles about the site, which started up three years ago.
Boxmind also offers access to an online library, which is being built up of selected articles from a number of academic sites on the web. Commenting on our story, Richard Halkett, co-founder of Boxmind, asked TrainingZONE readers to contact him if there were any areas of content they would like to see added to the site.
When TrainingZONE visited the site today, we were still struggling with the functionality – the layout of the screen took a while to get used to – but the number of arcticles available has increased in the last few months and the library is worth persevering with if you’re looking for detailed information on an academic subject.
Boxmind also offers access to an online library, which is being built up of selected articles from a number of academic sites on the web. Commenting on our story, Richard Halkett, co-founder of Boxmind, asked TrainingZONE readers to contact him if there were any areas of content they would like to see added to the site.
When TrainingZONE visited the site today, we were still struggling with the functionality - the layout of the screen took a while to get used to - but the number of arcticles available has increased in the last few months and the library is worth persevering with if you're looking for detailed information on an academic subject.