TrainingZONE Insider – Issue 34
Wednesday 1 September 2004
********** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ******
1 Performance Support Not Management
2 Selection Criteria for Buying in Training
3 Diversity Training
4 Selling an Internal Coaching Service
5 Resources: Training Methods
********** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ******
Editor’s note
More and more, it seems, managers are being encouraged to shift
focus from control, target setting and monitoring output towards
developing the potential of their staff.
TrainingZONE member Peter Hunter has suggested ditching
performance management as a concept in favour of performance
support. This would allow staff to decide what support they
needed and managers to assume the role of staff supporter. Is it
a concept that you believe could or should take off? Have your
say at:
Elsewhere, many seem to share Rob Sheffield’s tongue-in-cheek
vision of training in 2010. And perhaps proving that where the US
goes Britain follows, Godfrey Parkin maintains that Rob’s
predictions are already the reality across the Atlantic. Join the
debate at:
Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE
Open University Study
Want to progress your career or study for a qualification
without giving up your job or life commitments? The Open
University offers a vast range of undergraduate certificates
and diplomas as well as degrees and postgraduate
qualifications. Visit our website and see what we can offer
Any Answers Answered
This week members have shared advice and best practice on:
The pros and cons of balanced score cards.
Selection criteria for buying in training.
How to “sell” an internal coaching service.
Whether to make diversity training compulsory.
Certificate in Training Practice from DPG plc
A blended approach that recognises the skills and knowledge you
already have. Building on these through a fully supported
programme. Designed to improve performance (work related
projects) and provide national recognition (CIPD).
Unsure if the programme is right for you, full refund of all
fees within 30 days of induction call 0161 975 7777 for a free
New questions posted on Any Answers include:
Sonia Gupta is looking for examples of training academies.
Sue Nunnan wants you to dredge your memories to help her find a
team-building exercise called “Drips and Pipes”.
Darren Gallagher is looking for calibration methodology.
Vivienne Robinson wants suggestions for practical activities to
use on a programme about motivating and coaching staff.
Kate Holloman would like examples of individual training plans.
Share your knowledge on any of the questions posted here or ask
your own question at:
Learn the principles of e-learning courseware design in Academy
Internet’s one-day course. Tutoring by professional e-learning
instructional designers ensures you leave with realistic tips
and techniques for implementation at your office. For the course
outline and September, October & November booking information go
or call 01273 733433.
All Training Method documents
Purchasing all training methods documents enables you to access,
use and revisit all TrainingZONE published training methods
materials at any time during the year from initial purchase. By
purchasing this item, you save at least a third off the price of
the individual documents on this topic. All new and updated
resources added during this period will also be accessible. The
pack includes: mentoring diagnostic activity, four-stage
evaluation, evaluation questions and the Training Needs Analysis
Anthony Robbins – Unleash The Power Within
If you do today exactly what you did yesterday then you can
expect tomorrow to be as disappointing as today was or maybe you
could change your life forever. See Anthony Robbins live. Click
below for a special offer for TrainingZONE members:
How Did I Get Here?
Share the benefit of your experience with other members of the
community in our How Did I Get Here section. For more information
about how to get involved please email Dawn-Marie Dart at
New Members
This week TrainingZONE welcomes new members from organisations
including: Lloyds TSB, the AA, Questionmark Computing, Cable &
Wireless, the Fire Service, Careconnect, Xerox, Eurostar and
Job Alert
If you would like to see your company’s vacancy here call Nick
Lewis on 0117 915 8641.
Course / Event: The Executive Coach Training 2004
Vendor Name: Coaching & Communication Centre
Price: Self-financing – 2995 + VAT Corporate rate – 3995 + VAT
Type of Course: Open training course or seminar
Dates: 23rd October 2004 – 12th June 2005
Duration: 9 Months
Short Description: Train to be an executive coach in 2004
Have you Profiled?
In order to help us tailor the site to your requirements, please
tell us a bit more about yourself and your professional
interests. Filling in the profile form only takes a few minutes
and you will then have full access to many areas that are
available only to profiled users. Go to:
Subscription Information
TrainingZONE publishes a range of regular newswires,
– TrainingZONE Newswire
– TrainingZONE Insider
To subscribe or unsubscribe to newswires, select ‘my newswires
and alerts’ at:
Copyright (c) 2004 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes
as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk ISSN 1474-2225
TrainingZONE Insider - Issue 34
Wednesday 1 September 2004
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ******
1 Performance Support Not Management
2 Selection Criteria for Buying in Training
3 Diversity Training
4 Selling an Internal Coaching Service
5 Resources: Training Methods
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ******
Editor's note
More and more, it seems, managers are being encouraged to shift
focus from control, target setting and monitoring output towards
developing the potential of their staff.
TrainingZONE member Peter Hunter has suggested ditching
performance management as a concept in favour of performance
support. This would allow staff to decide what support they
needed and managers to assume the role of staff supporter. Is it
a concept that you believe could or should take off? Have your
say at:
Elsewhere, many seem to share Rob Sheffield's tongue-in-cheek
vision of training in 2010. And perhaps proving that where the US
goes Britain follows, Godfrey Parkin maintains that Rob's
predictions are already the reality across the Atlantic. Join the
debate at:
Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE
Open University Study
Want to progress your career or study for a qualification
without giving up your job or life commitments? The Open
University offers a vast range of undergraduate certificates
and diplomas as well as degrees and postgraduate
qualifications. Visit our website and see what we can offer
Any Answers Answered
This week members have shared advice and best practice on:
The pros and cons of balanced score cards.
Selection criteria for buying in training.
How to "sell" an internal coaching service.
Whether to make diversity training compulsory.
Certificate in Training Practice from DPG plc
A blended approach that recognises the skills and knowledge you
already have. Building on these through a fully supported
programme. Designed to improve performance (work related
projects) and provide national recognition (CIPD).
Unsure if the programme is right for you, full refund of all
fees within 30 days of induction call 0161 975 7777 for a free
New questions posted on Any Answers include:
Sonia Gupta is looking for examples of training academies.
Sue Nunnan wants you to dredge your memories to help her find a
team-building exercise called "Drips and Pipes".
Darren Gallagher is looking for calibration methodology.
Vivienne Robinson wants suggestions for practical activities to
use on a programme about motivating and coaching staff.
Kate Holloman would like examples of individual training plans.
Share your knowledge on any of the questions posted here or ask
your own question at:
Learn the principles of e-learning courseware design in Academy
Internet's one-day course. Tutoring by professional e-learning
instructional designers ensures you leave with realistic tips
and techniques for implementation at your office. For the course
outline and September, October & November booking information go
or call 01273 733433.
All Training Method documents
Purchasing all training methods documents enables you to access,
use and revisit all TrainingZONE published training methods
materials at any time during the year from initial purchase. By
purchasing this item, you save at least a third off the price of
the individual documents on this topic. All new and updated
resources added during this period will also be accessible. The
pack includes: mentoring diagnostic activity, four-stage
evaluation, evaluation questions and the Training Needs Analysis
Anthony Robbins - Unleash The Power Within
If you do today exactly what you did yesterday then you can
expect tomorrow to be as disappointing as today was or maybe you
could change your life forever. See Anthony Robbins live. Click
below for a special offer for TrainingZONE members:
How Did I Get Here?
Share the benefit of your experience with other members of the
community in our How Did I Get Here section. For more information
about how to get involved please email Dawn-Marie Dart at
New Members
This week TrainingZONE welcomes new members from organisations
including: Lloyds TSB, the AA, Questionmark Computing, Cable &
Wireless, the Fire Service, Careconnect, Xerox, Eurostar and
Job Alert
If you would like to see your company's vacancy here call Nick
Lewis on 0117 915 8641.
Course / Event: The Executive Coach Training 2004
Vendor Name: Coaching & Communication Centre
Price: Self-financing - 2995 + VAT Corporate rate - 3995 + VAT
Type of Course: Open training course or seminar
Dates: 23rd October 2004 - 12th June 2005
Duration: 9 Months
Short Description: Train to be an executive coach in 2004
Have you Profiled?
In order to help us tailor the site to your requirements, please
tell us a bit more about yourself and your professional
interests. Filling in the profile form only takes a few minutes
and you will then have full access to many areas that are
available only to profiled users. Go to:
Subscription Information
TrainingZONE publishes a range of regular newswires,
- TrainingZONE Newswire
- TrainingZONE Insider
To subscribe or unsubscribe to newswires, select 'my newswires
and alerts' at:
Copyright (c) 2004 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes
as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk ISSN 1474-2225