TrainingZONE Insider – Issue 48
Wednesday 8 December 2004
********** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ******
1 How to Manage External Learning and Development Consultants
2 The Fail-Safe Guide to Devising Slick Slogans
3 How to Get More for Less – Training on a Shoe-String
4 Review: Being the Best: The A-Z of Personal Success
5 Resources: TNA and Appraisal Toolkit
********** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ******
Editor’s note
With 2005 just round the corner, we at TrainingZONE have
published our latest guide to the topics we’ll be covering over
the next 12 months. If you want to know more about what’s coming
up in 2005 and how you can contribute to features such as The
Way I See It, How Did I Get Here or offer your own insights on
topics like coaching and mentoring, e-learning and evaluation,
follow the link below:
Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE
Power your business with home-grown high-achievers
Do your managers’ work commitments mean that training is a
nightmare? The Chartered Management Institute’s accredited
programmes are infinitely adaptable. You chose the modules you
need- building a tailored course for your managers. A practical
way to develop leadership skills.
Any Answers Answered
Click on the links below to share in members advice and best
practice on:
Ever had to come up with a slogan? Try Nick Heap’s shortcut to
take the headache out of headlines.
How to manage external learning and development consultants.
How to get more for less – management training on a shoe-string.
Exercises on interpersonal influence.
What do Apprenticeships offer your business?
Training for all your existing staff and new recruits aged under
25 in a wide range of areas, from business administration and
customer service, to specialist skills like engineering for
others; over 160 different types of Apprenticeship; and relevant
training designed by business for business.
To find out more and receive an information pack visit
New questions posted on Any Answers include:
Neil Gratton needs advice on cultural issues to be aware of when
training in India.
Amanda Harrington is looking for instructions for a negotiating
Rania Mostafa needs some pointers on mentoring etiquette.
Got the answer or want to pose a question of your own? Go to:
Job Centre Plus – Recruit the right people
At Jobcentre Plus, we want to help you find the right person for
your job. We’ll work to get to know you so we can achieve the
best results – we already place over 20,000 people into work
every week. To see what we can do for your business visit
Special Offer: TNA and Performance Appraisal Toolkit
As a special deal for TrainingZONE members pick up the best-
selling Glasstap Training Needs Analysis and Performance
Appraisal Toolkit as one package, saving 35 pounds on the
full price.
Browse all of TrainingZONE’s 1500 resources at:
Review: Being the Best: The A-Z of Personal Success
Christmas is coming! Find out why Claudine McClean judged this
book as an “ideal present for someone embarking on their first
serious job”.
The Brain Bath?! Gets Dunking
This week The Brain Bath?! has a sit down and nice cup of Rosie
Lee (the solution to all problems, a cultural symbol, a national
obsession – Doesn’t it make you want to swell with pride?)
New Members
This week TrainingZONE welcomes new members from organisations
including: IBM, GNER, Axa-Sunlife, Deloitte, Ufi, Co-op
Travelcare, Peabody Trust, ATS Euromaster, Marks and Spencer,
T-Mobile and Barnardos.
Job Alert: Instructional Systems Development Specialist
The Raytheon Corporation is looking for a training specialist
with experience in courseware and curriculum analysis, design
and development and delivery of multi-media courses. Find out
more at:
Advertise your event here contact Phil Jones on 0117 9158634 or
email pjones@sift.co.uk
Have you Profiled?
In order to help us tailor the site to your requirements, please
tell us a bit more about yourself and your professional
interests. Filling in the profile form only takes a few minutes
and you will then have full access to many areas that are
available only to profiled users. Go to:
Subscription Information
TrainingZONE publishes a range of regular newswires,
– TrainingZONE Newswire
– The Insider
The TrainingZONE Insider is now available in text or
html. To change the way you receive this newswire or to
subscribe to newswires, select ‘my newswires and alerts’ at:
To unsubscribe to newswires, go to:
Alternatively email: unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
In the BODY of the message type:
Unsubscribing can currently take up to 14 days to process
Copyright (c) 2004 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes
as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk ISSN 1474-2225
TrainingZONE Insider - Issue 48
Wednesday 8 December 2004
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ******
1 How to Manage External Learning and Development Consultants
2 The Fail-Safe Guide to Devising Slick Slogans
3 How to Get More for Less - Training on a Shoe-String
4 Review: Being the Best: The A-Z of Personal Success
5 Resources: TNA and Appraisal Toolkit
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ******
Editor's note
With 2005 just round the corner, we at TrainingZONE have
published our latest guide to the topics we'll be covering over
the next 12 months. If you want to know more about what's coming
up in 2005 and how you can contribute to features such as The
Way I See It, How Did I Get Here or offer your own insights on
topics like coaching and mentoring, e-learning and evaluation,
follow the link below:
Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE
Power your business with home-grown high-achievers
Do your managers' work commitments mean that training is a
nightmare? The Chartered Management Institute's accredited
programmes are infinitely adaptable. You chose the modules you
need- building a tailored course for your managers. A practical
way to develop leadership skills.
Any Answers Answered
Click on the links below to share in members advice and best
practice on:
Ever had to come up with a slogan? Try Nick Heap's shortcut to
take the headache out of headlines.
How to manage external learning and development consultants.
How to get more for less - management training on a shoe-string.
Exercises on interpersonal influence.
What do Apprenticeships offer your business?
Training for all your existing staff and new recruits aged under
25 in a wide range of areas, from business administration and
customer service, to specialist skills like engineering for
others; over 160 different types of Apprenticeship; and relevant
training designed by business for business.
To find out more and receive an information pack visit
New questions posted on Any Answers include:
Neil Gratton needs advice on cultural issues to be aware of when
training in India.
Amanda Harrington is looking for instructions for a negotiating
Rania Mostafa needs some pointers on mentoring etiquette.
Got the answer or want to pose a question of your own? Go to:
Job Centre Plus - Recruit the right people
At Jobcentre Plus, we want to help you find the right person for
your job. We'll work to get to know you so we can achieve the
best results - we already place over 20,000 people into work
every week. To see what we can do for your business visit
Special Offer: TNA and Performance Appraisal Toolkit
As a special deal for TrainingZONE members pick up the best-
selling Glasstap Training Needs Analysis and Performance
Appraisal Toolkit as one package, saving 35 pounds on the
full price.
Browse all of TrainingZONE's 1500 resources at:
Review: Being the Best: The A-Z of Personal Success
Christmas is coming! Find out why Claudine McClean judged this
book as an "ideal present for someone embarking on their first
serious job".
The Brain Bath?! Gets Dunking
This week The Brain Bath?! has a sit down and nice cup of Rosie
Lee (the solution to all problems, a cultural symbol, a national
obsession - Doesn't it make you want to swell with pride?)
New Members
This week TrainingZONE welcomes new members from organisations
including: IBM, GNER, Axa-Sunlife, Deloitte, Ufi, Co-op
Travelcare, Peabody Trust, ATS Euromaster, Marks and Spencer,
T-Mobile and Barnardos.
Job Alert: Instructional Systems Development Specialist
The Raytheon Corporation is looking for a training specialist
with experience in courseware and curriculum analysis, design
and development and delivery of multi-media courses. Find out
more at:
Advertise your event here contact Phil Jones on 0117 9158634 or
email pjones@sift.co.uk
Have you Profiled?
In order to help us tailor the site to your requirements, please
tell us a bit more about yourself and your professional
interests. Filling in the profile form only takes a few minutes
and you will then have full access to many areas that are
available only to profiled users. Go to:
Subscription Information
TrainingZONE publishes a range of regular newswires,
- TrainingZONE Newswire
- The Insider
The TrainingZONE Insider is now available in text or
html. To change the way you receive this newswire or to
subscribe to newswires, select 'my newswires and alerts' at:
To unsubscribe to newswires, go to:
Alternatively email: unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
In the BODY of the message type:
Unsubscribing can currently take up to 14 days to process
Copyright (c) 2004 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes
as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk ISSN 1474-2225